The Conservative government has drafted guidelines that would allow it to pull financial aid for any film or television show that it deems offensive or not in the public's best interest – even if government agencies have invested in them.
The proposed changes to the Income Tax Act would allow the Heritage Minister to deny tax credits to projects deemed offensive, effectively killing the productions. Representatives from Heritage and the Department of Justice will determine which shows or films pass the test.
While I'm not yet sure what the guidelines are going to be and who precisely is going to enforce them, this makes me really uncomfortable. From the article, it seems that bureaucrats will be in charge, though Charles McVety said in an interview with Duffy tonight that it will be an appointed board. (Boy, that interview was beyond creepy. There was little doubt where Duffy stands. 5th vid on the Duffy show.)
From the article:
A well-known evangelical crusader is claiming credit for the federal government's move to deny tax credits to TV and film productions that contain graphic sex and violence or other offensive content.
Charles McVety, president of the Canada Family Action Coalition, said his lobbying efforts included discussions with Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day and Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, and "numerous" meetings with officials in the Prime Minister's Office.
Day and Nicholson apparently do recall meeting with him. Right. It's pretty well known what kind of access McVety has to this government. Anyone familiar with him knows that he is waaay out there, except the Con's apparently.
Mr. McVety said films promoting homosexuality, graphic sex or violence should not receive tax dollars, and backbench Conservative MPs and cabinet ministers support his campaign.
Fantastic! Gay and Lesbian tax payers aren't allowed to have a voice in telling their story? As for graphic sex and violence, well how subjective is that?
More than censorship though, which trust me is disgusting to me, I see a real peril for our arts community. Canada needs more exposure in the world, not less and currently vast sectors of that business still require financial assistance. Europeans love our films and increasingly we are being recognised at Festivals in the States, not to mention the Oscars.
I know that the article mentions that the Liberals intended to review the guidelines too but consider who the Ministers were then, compared to now. Irwin Cotler who is all about rights versus Nicholson who is all about taking them away. Liza Frulla who can be interesting at times but is all about expansion of the Arts compared to Josee Verner who is happy cutting funding to women's groups, let alone standing up for the rights of gays.
No, this is dangerous to me and as much as the Cadman story will stay in the limelight, the Liberal Party would be remiss not to address this issue. The influence by stealth that the far right is having on our system is not to be ignored, indeed it is to exposed and stopped.