Let me begin by apologising for being gone so long. No, I did not have H1N1, but I seem to have the mother of all colds and couldn't concentrate enough to post. I tweeted now and then, but that was all I could manage. Still not back, but have this to offer.
Duffy made his debut tonight on the new CBC show, Power and Politics. He made an ass of himself, which frankly wasn't a surprise to me.
Did you watch and listen to that? Were you surprised?
What is funny, nay, obvious, to me is just how partisan this guy is and I guess we know now, always has been. I don't get the attraction to be willing to appear to be a jerk, but it's got it's appeal apparently. I've watched newly minted Conservative MP's in the House and in committee meetings. They all strike the same note, which tells me they have some kind of "be nasty, here's how" training.
There is an unabashed nastiness attached to what they say. I here-by push the media to quote them more often, because I don't think Canadians have a clue who these people are and how contemptuous they are toward what most Canadians think this country is all about.
To those who follow, I do have something to say about the gun registry vote and Van Loan's delay of the report, the stupid partisan EAP signs, Lisa Raitt, H1N1, the Olympic torch run/stops, the AG's report...okay, there is a lot to talk about. I have been paying attention.
In addition to Duffy's idiocy, feel free to bring up any or all of these subjects in comments.
Will be back soon.
Mike Duffy is a national disgrace almost without precedent. (Other unelected Senators... maybe)
There's no MP in any party who's more consistently, sincerely, and passionately stood up for RCMP, CF, and emergency services personnel than Peter Stoffer.
Whatever your partisan allegiance, anyone who watches the process will know this is true.
As for fake... Mike Duffy's career as a partisan hack journalist advancing CON talking points comes to mind.
Never want to wish ill on anyone.. but hope the cheeseburgers finish the job.
Resign today, Duffy.
hope the cheeseburgers finish the job.
Ah yes, that Liberal class shining through once again...
Won't go as far as you Michael, as I wish no one harm.
I will completely agree though that Stoffer is consistent and upstanding in this regard. Others are there too, but agree he is real.
I suspect that Peter was quiet on this front, because he knew his record would stand and also knew that Duffy was killing the point through his own promotion and defense.
Tragic, sick?...choose your descriptor.
Platty, class doesn't even enter the Conservative discussion. In fact, I'm now quite clear that you have no comprehension of what that might be.
There is a great deal to talk about, and most of it disgusting.
I would like to know why the House is not sitting this week...they just got back...
Back in the day, when Duffy was sandbagging the Liberal Party, on that front of a show he had, he used to infuriate me. When he pulled the Dion stunt, that was critical mass. Since then, I don't find him the least bit annoying or irritating. I honestly love every single second of him completely tarnishing his supposed reputation. Duffy has been reduced to the biggest partisan sleaze merchant in Ottawa. It is such an incredible feat, his voluntary decent into the ridiculous, absolutely delicious.
He's actually turning on his previous profession, while being left a washed up caricature.
He's such a joke. Thanks for validating everything we alway said about you :)
Knb, I am glad you are back, although, not 100%, you will get better. Best of luck to ya...
Cari, I get what you are saying, but this week is what it is...Rememberance Week. It's normal to shut down. The other shut down's? Not so much.
Be of strong heart though. Going home is going to beg questions, especially re H1N1.
Watch and wait.
Steve...exactly! He is proving who he always was while proving what the CPC is.
Brilliant for his foes.
Thanks Lizt. I'm sick of being sick, that is for sure!
Have any of you researched the education these people who are in these positions have? Even the people in the House of Commons aren't that will educated.....some are electricans. Now the trouble with what I just said sounds biased. However, an education is not only an academic one, but is also a cultural and social one. The social one is what is so sadly missing within our government.
What Steve said. I have noticed that even some of his former colleagues cringe when they hear him speak.
He is mocked by the media - and rightly so.
just the lipstick is missing...
I have to wonder - how much of Duffy's travel expense is campaigning for Harper and how much actually doing senate work?
The right don't get it. They think you have to hate. I don't support the NDP, but does that mean I can respect someone with a different view? No. Stoffer is a hard working and well respected MP.
Now, Duffy - well respected? No. Hard working? No. To be trusted? No.
I think perhaps Duffy has picked on the wrong person - everyone (well, except the Cons) respects Stoffer. Cons don't respect anyone unless they lie about Harper and say he's great.
Sad day for the media - Duffy certainly has tarnished the trust in media.
KNB - get well soon - pamper yourself.
Duffy at least is a senator getting in the media and at least engaging with Canadians. Most other senators simply don't care what you and I think.
Having said that, since we are on the subject of people making asses of themselves on TV I bring to your attention Ken Dryden. He was so pissed off he was shaking on one of those shows. He actually believes the garbage he spews.
Anonymous said...
Duffy at least is a senator getting in the media and at least engaging with Canadians. Most other senators simply don't care what you and I think.
....he's not supposed to engage with the media - he's suppose to be working in the senate - how stupid can people be. Can you believe Anon's comment? Unbelievable.
And to think Dryden didn't have a right to be upset? Good grief.
Stupid, stupid people.
Wow. You people must have watched a different version of this than everyone else out there, because the reviews I'm reading tell a totally different story. Mike Duffy WIPED THE FLOOR with Stoffer, and rightly so. I see about as much sincerity in Peter Stoffer as I did in Svend Robinson.
And just in case you weren't aware of it, the sheer viciousness displayed here doesn't cast you people in a very good light. You guys aren't all high school kids masquerading as adults, are you? Might explain the gross immaturity that seems prevalent here...
The sad part is that it is the Liberal party of Canada that wants to preserve the sttus quo.
The NDP and Cons. want to have an "adult conversation" about the future of the senate.
The Libs want the senate trough to continue in large part because it gives them systemic power no matter how corrupt or inept their party becomes.
One statement Duffy said during that segment was a huge no-no & shows us exactly where the Con Senators sit. He said, & I can't say it verbatim but here it is:
"We Senators are in the Conservative caucus..."
Since when are they in caucus? No Senators are "in caucus" - of any political stripe. But that shows us how strongly Harper has chained them to himself.
Duffy is a creepy crawly person who makes himself look bad every time he opens his mouth in public.
Do hope you feel better very soon, KNB!
"...the reviews I'm reading tell a totally different story."
That is because you are reading those reviews over on the BT sites.
"The sad part is that it is the Liberal party of Canada that wants to preserve the sttus quo.'
Wrong. During the last two elections both LPC leaders agreed senate reform was necessary, however they disagree reform can be accomplished without a constitutional amendment, and they are right about that.
Next time try to inform yourself before spouting nonsense - though you at least managed to hide behind an anonymous posting
Mike Duffy is a national joke. Chretien was right not to give him the Order of Canada.
His performance last night proved everything Peter Stoffer was too decent to say: he's an unelected Senator accountable to no one--not even the one person who appointed him, Mr. Harper.
There is no parallel between an MP's expenses and a Senators. The former uses their resources to represent a RIDING and CONSTITUENTS. Mike Duffy, on the other hand, uses his to shill for Harper (as he did during that fake "town hall" in Cambridge) or to send CPC spam holograms.
And speaking of fake, let's examine some of Senator Duffy's attacks on Stoffer, particularly that he doesn't support the Canadian Forces: http://tinyurl.com/yh52w3o
Frank Magazine once infamously called Duffy a "fat faced liar."
How right they were.
Gayle ;
"...though you at least managed to hide behind an anonymous posting"
A Certain lib blogger on occasion does not adhere to the conditions of privacy that is important to the dialogue of blogs.
I have also received spam from giving an email address. If you don't like anonymous posts you can refuse to visit sites that allow them or you can ignore them.
The Libs only talk about reform because it is in their view impossible and they like it that way. Further, there is no willingness to even discuss abolition.Many in your party support the senate and are happy to use it as a political weapon when it suits there whim.
I agree with you that it is difficult to reform the senate but it is clear that it will not happen under a Lib gov't. ever.
Anon - what a poor excuse. You're afraid to say who you are, period.
You know, you could respond under Anon and sign off at the end with some sort of identity.
FredfromBC - don't know what you're reading but the huge majority believe Duffy stepped in it.
Keep trying though - find excuses everywhere for any wrong doing on the Cons part. Keep being sheep.
Anon. I am so happy to hear you have the inside track ob what the liberal leaders "really" mean. You must have ESP.
The fact is there can be no senate reform witout a constitutional amendment. The parties that say there coulld be are lying. It is all about playing politics.
But hey, it"s probably a good way to raise money for the party, and it gets the hacks out posting anonymously on blogs spreading their lies for them.
To all of you defending the rantings of the unqualified, bitter Senator, here is but one review of his debut role on Power and Politics.
Don Martin, is certainly no left leaning columnist. I've yet to see anyone with any credibility defend Duffy.
There is no coming back from this. I never thought he had any credibility, but he's now made it official to a much broader audience.
This of course speaks to Harper's judgement, but we'll get to that another time.
What I want to know is how much of those travel expenses relate to doing CPC fundraisers.
That would be something worth looking into - our tax dollars used to fly a senator around Canada to fundraise for the conservatives.
Frank Magazine once infamously called Duffy a "fat faced liar."
They called him much better than that....
But yes, I can't understand how Duffy was even considered a "journalist"...
Gayle said:
"That would be something worth looking into - our tax dollars used to fly a senator around Canada to fundraise for the conservatives."
Yes, it would be interesting to know that & I'm sure there must be some way to find out. When the expenses are listed I should think the dates & destinations would also be listed.
Welcome back KNB. Happy to see your feeling better and on the mend. We missed your great threads.
Never want to wish ill on anyone.. but hope the cheeseburgers finish the job.
Resign today, Duffy.
Or hope just a little that he contacts the H1N1 flu or better yet, that when he goes for his poke in the arm, he stands in a lineup for 8 hours to be told in the end there is no more vaccines. Come back next week when we get more. It would serve this jerk right with all the blowing he does.
Hey Marie,
That's a bit harsh - wishing for someone to die. I despise Duffy too but he's now lost any credibility he had with the latest fiasco & is doing himself in all by his little (big) lonesome.
Even the media are fed up with him & his blathering so he has met his demise on being taken seriously on that front anyway. He has finally revealed, completely, his true colours - total Con bias. No more obfuscating or shading the truth.
I would like to know how much of the $44,000 he's spent on expenses has been for shilling for the Conservative Party. This is taxpayer money & is not to be used in that way.
Hey Marie,
That's a bit harsh - wishing for someone to die. Sorry Pennmen but I did not say that I wished him to die. I merely said that he should be standing in a lineup for 8 hours to be told we have no more vaccinne. "Never want to wish ill on anyone.. but hope the cheeseburgers finish the job".
That was a cut and paste and I referred to it on the topic of Duffy. By the looks of him, he will probably have a short life especially with his heart problems.
He needs to go on a strict diet and control his blood pressure. Retiring from his job,senate would also be a good idea. Live a stress free life for his remaining time left on this earth.
Fred from BC said;Wow. You people must have watched a different version of this than everyone else out there, because the reviews I'm reading tell a totally different story.
Well Fred, its plain to see where you go to watch the reviews you mention. Conservative blogs no doubt.
Gayle said:
"...the reviews I'm reading tell a totally different story."
That is because you are reading those reviews over on the BT sites
Marie said:
Well Fred, its plain to see where you go to watch the reviews you mention. Conservative blogs no doubt.
When did Jane Taber become a Conservative?
Peter Stoffer just bit off more than he could chew by singling out Mike Duffy, plain and simple. He then compounding his error by trying to bluff his way through:
"I don't have my report..."
Gee, way to be prepared for a TV interview, Peter...
No matter how you choose to look at it, even if Mike Duffy appeared "unprofessional" (and yeah, he's got a bit of temper...so what?), he still won the exchange handily because he at least had his facts straight while Peter Stoffer couldn't do more more than repeat the same tired old crap about the Prime Minister and Senate appointments (a losing argument for Liberals, neutral for the NDP).
And for the record...if you're going to claim to "support" the military in your riding, Peter, you might want to refrain from voting *against* Conservative bills providing additional funding for them. Just a thought...
RuralSandi said...
Anon - what a poor excuse. You're afraid to say who you are, period.
You know, you could respond under Anon and sign off at the end with some sort of identity.
That may be the funniest thing you've ever posted to this blog, "RuralSandi"...
(what?...that's *not* your real name?...)
Your boy, Duffy, was totally unprofessional, talking lies like most of these Cons do & he knew it. That's why he screwed up so badly. There wasn't one reporter in all of the media, including CTV a Harper supporter, that supported Duffy's diatribe. Most of them were ashamed of the fact that he used to be one of their own. He is a disgrace to the Senate & all Canadians.
Also, the whole point of this has gone over your head. That Duffy should have $44,000 in expenses in just a few short months & that it seems the bulk of it was to attend Conservative Party held events, NOT Govt. of Canada ones is abominable. It is, once again, using taxpayer money for partisan gain - not allowed. But hey, since when did the Harper Cons obey the laws & follow the rules.
Go ahead & attack me Freddie boy but it won't have any effect - not on Liberal blogs as we have taken off the blinders. Perhaps you might do the same.
Your boy, Duffy, was totally unprofessional, talking lies like most of these Cons do & he knew it.
What 'lie' was that, exactly?
That's why he screwed up so badly. There wasn't one reporter in all of the media, including CTV a Harper supporter
Jane Taber, Craig Oliver and Robert Fife are well known *liberals* , in case you hadn't noticed (not sure about Tom Clark).
that supported Duffy's diatribe. Most of them were ashamed of the fact that he used to be one of their own.
They actually said that, did they? Who? Where?
He is a disgrace to the Senate & all Canadians.
Now you claim to speak for all Canadians, do you? Wow...what arrogance. Yup, you're a Liberal...
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