Tuesday, May 03, 2011



A Eliz. said...

I see Romeo LeBlanc would like to lead..he is only 43 and he said he could help rebuild. I like him.
We lost a great many good Liberals in Ontario, last night , thanks to the NDP fighting with the Liberals and Harper's lot sneaking up he middle. The NDP got more seats but no one can do anything with Harper's majority for 4 years of trashing all what Liberals built.

Karen said...

LeBlanc ran in the last bid and is a good man. I personally think it's too early to look for that. I think Ignatieff should have held on until we did more work.

Listening to Layton today, it was clear that he is delusional. He can do nothing, nada, to stop Harper and seems not to realise it.

Not a good night for Canada

sharonapple88 said...

Listening to Layton today, it was clear that he is delusional. He can do nothing, nada, to stop Harper and seems not to realise it.

Layton sold the idea that he would fight for the "average" Canadian after the election. For all his added seats, he really can't do anything. Otherwise, having been in a series of minority parliaments, he has no idea what's coming next. When a government has a majority, it doesn't have to care about the opposition. At this point, the opposition is a paper tiger.

A Eliz. said...

KNB..I am sorry I meant Dominic, his father was Romeo

Karen said...

Yes, I knew that. Both good men

Karen said...

sharonapple88 Indeed it is.