That ignorance and game playing is coming home to roost now and the Conservatives aren't dealing with it very well.
Before we look at the current situation, I think it's worthwhile to look back a bit and consider the amount of duping that has gone on.
Crime legislation from day one has been based on no data, nada. It's ideologically driven and does little more than tweak the system, in large measure to it's detriment. Fact: Crime rates are decreasing in this country without any of the Conservative legislation having been put in place. How about the gun registry? Fact: Every police force across the country is insisting that it is valuable, but the Conservatives will insist that it's never used. They inflate it's current cost and pander to their 'yahoo' base.
How about Science? I'll bite my tongue on much of this but will raise the InSite program in Vancouver and how the government has kept them hanging. I recall Tony Clement, bald face lying about stat's to committee and of course ignoring the real facts. Science of course leads to Climate Change and if anyone really believes that this government gives a whit about it, show me their plan, with costing, targeted industry caps and a road map for how Canada is going to achieve it's goals.
There is more, but suffice it to say that they have somehow gotten away with saying nothing and haven't been challenged nearly enough on their lack of facts.
Now though, not so much.
The spending of infrastructure money has finally caught the imagination of many and there is report after report, all saying precisely what the Liberals have been saying for months.
A) The money is slow to flow and B) what flows is going to Conservative ridings in higher numbers than it's going to opposition ridings.
Let's take politics out of it for a minute, because surely some of my Conservative readers have family or friends who live in an opposition riding, non?
This program was very special in that it was to be designed to address the needs of the country during an unprecedented time of need. It was meant to target areas of the country with high unemployment, in an effort to create job's, thereby stimulating the economy....a 'stimulus program'.
It's clear now, that is not what has happened. Read here, here and here. There are more accounts, but I'm sure you've read them all.
In addition to all of this, I listened to a committee meeting today that had Municipal Federations as witnesses. Some were more diplomatic than others, but to a person, it was clear that much of the money hasn't gotten out and a few weren't too shy to say, that it was being used in a political game. Furthermore, some even alluded to the fact that since the money hasn't flowed and this construction season has been missed, the likelihood of having projects completed by the program expiration date was slim in some cases.
What does that mean? Well, if the program has expired, as it will in March of 2011, the municipality is on the hook for the rest. Likely outcome? Municipalities won't have the money to complete them, so all those tax dollars will have gone in to a project half completed, then abandoned. Nice use of your money don't you think?
So here we are. The hard work that Gerard Kennedy and his team have done has been noticed and various media outlets have started doing their own digging and the facts, ultimately proving his point, are coming out.
As I said though, the Conservatives don't deal in fact. To that point, I saw an extraordinary comment from the PCO today, Dimitri Soudas to be precise, commenting on the G&M story. I'm paraphrasing, but the media notice went something like:
The Globe and Mail, using calculations either generated from or approved by the Liberal Party of Canada (Michael Ignatieff) have painted an unfair picture of the Infrastructure Program...
That is an astonishing statement and one that I hope gets a lot of attention. That the PMO would actually hold that idiotic view that the media is biased toward liberals is no surprise, but that they would come out and attack the Globe and Mail is unbelievable. This is the stuff of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck...in the PMO.
In the end, it tells me one thing. The facts are being revealed and they have no real defense against that, when confronted.
Stay tuned, because, oh...there will be more.
Of course they're facts-challenged. They're faith based!
Which party is demanding an accounting of dollars per constituency? Which party is screaming that "their" constituencies aren't getting enough slush?
The Liberal Party of Canada. Think about which party is turning the partisan screw here.
Even the Ontario government is calling on the Federal Liberal's to quit torturing the facts.
As a famous Canadian PM once said:
""No, a proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof, and when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."
Tomm fuck off you wingnut.
Cherniak, do you really think that telling Con fanatics to fuck off is a winning strategy? It's fun I'lI grant you and I'll add to it if you like - Tomm, fuck off and rot in your basement with your miniscule dick in your hand. But do you think that's a winning strategy?
I don't think it is any more.
These clowns aren't just clowns any more - they're clowns the voting public take seriously.
Which says more about the voters than anyone else but still -
Short of finding a way to convince their children to kill them all in their sleep don't you think a more operable strategy would be productive for the LPC.
Not that I give a shit but I hate watching the Marlies beat the Leafs too.
Another version of crime rate fact
Wow, great discourse in the comments on this post - NOT. Personal attacks, name-calling & vulgar language do nothing for good debate on a serious topic.
I'm glad to see the media FINALLY paying attention to facts on this issue. Hopefully they will expand their digging into other areas where the facts dispute the Harper talking points & idealogue of some of their bills.
Tomm, you haven't been paying attention. The NDP have complained as well, but you see they have to be careful not to criticize Harper too much. The Con/NDP need each other and love each other.
Lorrie Goldstein - now there's a non-partisan, objective view for you.
Greg Weston (the Sun also) did an article setting out the facts - why not refer to his article? Because, it shows crime went down during the Lib years.
Tomm, ALL opposition parties are pointing out the obvious here.
Smitherman dialed back some of his comments today, but even if he hadn't, what do you expect? The province is getting money that it has been asking for. Do you expect them to bite the hand that rightly feeds?
Anyway, it matters not what they say, outside of the Liberal party, analysis is of the numbers is now being done.
Thus my point...you apparently, like your brethren, have a tough time with facts.
Ha, ha, ha! Anon @1:04
That's my go-to guy when I want facts...Lorrie Goldstein!
You guys really don't understand the difference between opinion pieces and news/fact, do you?
Outside of Sun opinion nuts, I presume Canadian talk radio, supplemented by, Limbaugh, Beck and FOX News are your major sources of information?
Please tell me you aren't old enough to vote.
KNB said...
Ha, ha, ha! Anon @1:04
That's my go-to guy when I want facts...Lorrie Goldstein!
You guys really don't understand the difference between opinion pieces and news/fact, do you?
So you dispute the Stats Canada numbers that were presented, then? Or do you think this columnist just fabricated them?
Anyway, it matters not what they say, outside of the Liberal party, analysis is of the numbers is now being done.
Thus my point...you apparently, like your brethren, have a tough time with facts.
Too bad, then, that the Canadian Federation of Municipalities is also disputing the cherry-picked numbers of the Liberal Party.
Once again, in your desperation for an issue (ANY issue) to use against the Conservative government you have ended up putting both feet firmly in your mouth. We've been down this road before (recently, too)...and you just don't seem to be catching on: before you commit to a position, CHECK IT OUT first. Don't just latch on to the next scandalous looking story to hit the news and proudly repost it here without researching it beforehand. That's exactly why your party is down in the polls, isn't it?
Ignatieff's credibility is shot because of too many "boy who cried wolf" moments, complete with feigned outrage and self-righteous bravado.
(well, those positions were probably suggested to him by Bob Rae's people, but still...;)
Whether you choose to admit it or not, he's finished. The damage has been done, and it can't be undone.
Fred is right. This is a boy who cried wolf moment.
We aren't talking about "my" road being paved because I live on the same street as a cabinet minister. We are talking about 2/3 of the money "may" have been spent in "half" of the ridings that happen to have Conservative representation.
My riding is NOT held by a Conservative and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting infrastructure money.
It is all stratistics. It is only resonating with wonks and being spread around by media types who have a vested interest in upping one party, embarrassing another, or just be bothered to find a real story to print.
The old political pork barrel was a lot bolder than this.
It is all statistics. It is only resonating with wonks and being spread around by media types who have a vested interest in upping one party, embarrassing another, or just be bothered to find a real story to print.
The old political pork barrel was a lot bolder than this.
It certainly was. One columnist has said that the biggest surprise for him was that the money was distributed as fairly as it was. The riding with the most spending per capita just happens to be held by the NDP, and Toronto (with no Conservative MPs at all) got how many projects funded by how many million dollars?
Fortunately the public remembers quite well the overtly partisan political climate of the Chretien years and therefore wonders what all the fuss is about now...
They must have a contest going on who can tell the most lies and have the media support it as truth with publications talking points.
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