Yes, the target I'm referring to is the guy in the photo. Remember him? He's the guy who came within centimetres of losing power, just last week as a matter of fact, yet no one seems to be considering what might be going on in his party or what his next strategy might be.
The media aren't focusing on it. That would require work, thought even. No, they are content to continue their serial on the Liberal party and it seems that there are quite a few party members out there that are only too happy to provide them with fodder for their never-ending narrative.
Really? This is what we want to do at this particular moment in time? This is what we need right now?
I understand that some Liberal bloggers (and others associated with the party) are less than pleased with the process we have in place, but people, that is what the delegates voted for. If we want to change their decision, then let's work toward doing that. If you don't like what they chose, e-mail them. In the mean time, it is my understanding that the party is doing it's utmost to consider options in spite of the constraints they are faced with. Railing against a 'yet to be decided' process seems a bit futile doesn't it?
The leadership of the party is important. I get it. Democratic choice is important. We all get it, but could we focus on putting forward positive solutions, while recognising that we have rules in place and leave the melodrama to those who are incapable of providing anything else?
We have a real opponent here and we will require real commitment and unity to defeat him.
Well stated KNB.
It won't be over until May, knb.
If Rae doesn't drop out, he may launch a counter-coup to Iggy's coup, and win!.
Power to the people.
Great post. Eye on the ball seems to have escaped us. When you do that in some sports, you get the ball square in the nards...
Excellent post. We've got to deliver the goods so that people can see we are a party prepared for battle, prepared to govern, and prepared to lead.
I work for canwest (in a small paper) but i'm incredibly ill watching how they are pandering, in the province, sun and napo, to the Harper thugs. Quoting one unreliable constitutional 'expert' who also happens to be a well-entrenched CON, who's premise is that the G-G can't ask the opposition to form the government except immediately after an election. He backs the CON strategy of mob rule, which is meant to create the sense of near-panic should the G-G ask the coalition to take over.
The newspapers of Leonard Asper are so desperate in their need for regulation changes, as promised behind closed doors by the CONs, that they are enabling and promoting the lies. And it is essentially the prospect of mob rule they promote. We just had an election, and the result was a minority government. It's Harper who doesn't like that verdict passed by the Canadian people. He wants to create divisions, fear, anger just like some certain flag-embracing texan who used the media's pliability to move public opinion. I guess when your stock prices drop from $7.45 to .54 in a year, you'll say anything, do anything. Prostitute your services for any cause, any price. And Harper seems to know the lowest road to Rome.
It's sickening, really.
WesternGrit nailed it, the liberal party gave the conservatives time to breath and re-organize, the liberals will pay dearly, again.
Some sanity, how novel :)
Not a chance wilson.
Thankfully that's not an experience I'm familiar with WesternGrit, but you make my point exactly!
burlivespipe, it is sickening. I saw that constitutional expert you refer to and was astounded, though he isn't the first 'expert' that I've seen paraded out doing the Conservatives bidding.
You said: The newspapers of Leonard Asper are so desperate in their need for regulation changes, as promised behind closed doors by the CONs,
What specifically are you referring to?
FredM, there is still time for the Liberals to use the time to their advantage. Harper wasn't expecting a new leader in the House.
Steve, fleeting as they may be, I have my moments, ;).
I guarantee, the Cons aren't happy with how quickly we've come to this conclusion. That should tell everyone all they need to know, when weighing the wisdom.
All Right We are Progressing fast as it should be.... Now just as for strengthening our forces please keep the Coalition alive strong and well managed ...
this is the best Tool we Got against Harper /thankYou Dion!! / Harper can be a bad memory soon if we do it right.
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