I'll have more to say about Rae stepping aside, but for now I'll simply say that the first word that came to mind was, dignity. His announcement today was gracious, considered and I'm sure very difficult.
I trust his supporters will heed his request and move forward to better the party. I know I think the party is better for having him and I look forward to him being a key player.
Quite right. I was a Rae supporter, but I think it's time to move along and to get to work on rebuilding the party and defeating King Steve.
Indeed RC. I wanted Kennedy to run, but...
We'll never defeat Harper if we don't band together now.
I know there are strong feelings out there about Ignatieff but I don't see any benefit in maintaining division and disunity as a characteristic of the party.
It just shows what "Country First" really means and I am very happy to register Rae as one of the excellent peole we have in the top row.
Too right marta. It's easy to become cynical about politicians and indeed some deserve no less, but we often forget to point out the really good guys.
Fortunately, the Liberal party seems to have quite a few and Rae is one of the best.
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