That tactic has taken many forms, but this one really seems to be scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
To leak records from Foreign Affairs in an effort to cover the mess that they have made of this file, is not only slimy, it's illegal.
Oh, I know that conservative bloggers have been out defending this move, claiming that the document was obtained through Access to Information channels, but there is no evidence of that and based on this story, the reporter would have had to apply for the report before this story even became widely known to the general public.
The federal Access to Information process appears to be in crisis as the rising number of requests, along with the pressure of the Harper government's promises of increased transparency, are not being met with additional funding and resources, a new government report indicates.
The assessment, based on focus groups with ATIP employees, reveals that one department is so overwhelmed that it automatically implements one-year extensions for every request it receives "regardless of the pressure" and the Access to Information and Privacy Act's target of 30-day responses.
So until said reporter comes forward with documentation that confirms that he gained access through proper channels, let's leave that alone shall we?
What's truly disturbing to me though is the absolute glee that some Con's seem to be taking as it relates to this woman's situation. There is a truly repugnant little group who follow Harper, (not all conservatives obviously), but a select group that somehow believe it's okay to treat another human being despicably, because it suits their political agenda.
Gawd, even Duffy and Oliver were laughing about Martin and what the report said. Disgusting.
Some have argued that Brenda Martin deserves what she gets because she spoke ill of the current government, is ungrateful for their help, etc. That's some democracy these people live in isn't it? It suggests that only Harperites will walk freely on our streets.
Something else announced on Duffy tonight is that a new poll to be released tomorrow, Ipsos I think, shows the Lib's in Ontario have a 10 point lead. Thanks no doubt to Jim, the leprechaun, Flaherty. Considering that Brenda Martin is from Ontario, I can't see this story doing them any favours.
If someone in Foreign Affairs did leak this, it will be yet one more piece of the puzzle. The puzzle pieces continue to be put into place, but Canadians haven't yet stepped back far enough from the image to quite make it out. It may take an election for that to happen. If so, I'm looking forward to it.
Nothing like "leaking" information and seeing Connies gleefully pick at details out of context...
Harperoid and his band of fucking idiots have been trying to discredit Martin. This is only part of the campaign to influence.
I agree cwtf. It is so much better if this info was kept from us. It does not work as well when you have to change the talking points when you get to findout some of the other story.
Yet another Harperite anon fails to see the point.
What a shock!
I am happy that the document was leaked. It exposes Brenda Martin as being less than honest in the claims she publicly made to the media.
It is bad when you get to see all? Should we keep people in the dark if it suits what we don't need to know?
If there is a backlash from what we are getting to know, I am going to blame liberals and the MSM that went along with them.
We can shift the blame, but it does not change anything.
I do not get this. Some people say this means she lied, but it means nothng of the sort.
People confuse diplomatic intervention by the government with assistance from the consulate. In fact, the consulate has limited powers - the government does not. She has been asking the government to intervene for months. Instead all she has received is a few token phone calls from the consulate - the same body who is not empowered to actually do anything to help her.
There is nothing in this report that I did not know a year ago when this story first hit the Edmonton papers. There is also nothing in this story that justifies the actions of the Harper government.
They really do disgust me - but not as much as the lemings who believe every word they say.
So you knew that she was contacted the first day then Gayle?
And you knew she turned down 5 visits from the government Gayle, because they weren't nice to her (she said on CTV today)?
The Conservative government has been on this file since day one.
Ms. Brenda is hostile, or like you say Gayle, has mental problems.
She is a victim of her own bad choices:
-illegal in a foreign country for many years
-rejected govt advice on legal council
-prolonged her jail time with a constitutional challenge
-rejected visits from the government and then publicly lied about the attention she was getting
Yes, bring Ms. Brenda home asap.
but lay off the b.s. about poor Ms. Brenda is a victum of the evil Cons.
Wilson and anon - I notice neither of you cared to comment on the fact the consulate and the government have different powers when it comes to assisting Canadians in custody in foreign countries. Instead you choose to propogate the myth that she somehow does not merit the assitance of her government because she dares to criticize it.
In answer to your questions, about a year ago the Edmonton Journal printed a story about her where they informed us that consulate officials, as well as non-consulate ex-pat Canadians visited her on several occassions. Sadly, her mental state deteriorated to such a point that she began to argue with her benefactors and eventually refused to see them.
Even sadder still is the Harper government's attempt to use the social visits of consular staff as examples of government intervention.
I knew the consulate would have visited her the first day she was arrested because I am fairly well versed in the rights of Canadians who have been arrested overseas. Therefore I know the consulate will offer some limited assistance including a list of lawyers. There is no obligation on the consulate to refer Canadians to good lawyers...
I agree cwtf. It is so much better if this info was kept from us. It does not work as well when you have to change the talking points when you get to findout some of the other story.
The information only came out because Harper is looking bad and it's being used in a prejudicial way.
The leak (and highlights) are only there to make her look bad and deflect the fact that the Connies really don't give a fuck about her.
Of course I don't expect the mentally challenged (that would be Harper supporters) to even understand the point.... or the hypocrisy (such as intervening in other cases but not this one).
The leak is a smear attempt and all the shallow thinkers seem gleeful to follow the party line - does it hurt to be that stupid?
Needless to say, it does not negate that the consular as done next to nothing and I'm surprised that Connies seem to approve of government leaks..
Harper, leading by being petty and divisive..
iInstead you choose to propogate the myth that she somehow does not merit the assitance of her government because she dares to criticize it.
That's really the motivation is seems...
''Instead you choose to propogate the myth that she somehow does not merit the assitance of her government because she dares to criticize it.''
Oh puleeeeze. Give it rest Gayle. We EVIL heartless Conservatives are responding to false allegations made by Ms. Brenda. NOBODY thinks she should rot in jail for bad mouthing the government.
PMSH does not need any direction from the Liberals, who watched while Arar and William Sampson were tortured in foreign prisons.
''Even sadder still is the Harper government's attempt to use the social visits of consular staff as examples of government intervention.''
Any you know for a fact that someone in PMSHs government leaked the documents?
Did the Mexican government or Mexican police have a copy?
Did Canadian Press buy the document?
The CP reporter is unavailable for comment.
''I notice neither of you cared to comment on the fact the consulate and the government have different powers when it comes to assisting Canadians in custody in foreign countries.''
That's because nobody cares about the difference Gayle.
Libs don't comment on it either.
Oh you are so wrong there wilson. The difference between the powers of the consulate and of the government are exactly what is at issue here.
You see, she is NOT lying when she complains the government did nothing to help her until recently.
She does not need social visits from consular staff, she asks for, and needs, diplomatic intervention from the government.
Your attempt to suggest they are one and the same is pretty pathetic - but then that is all you have to hang your hat on here.
By the way, while Arar and Sampson were in prisonm what were the conservatives saying? Oh yeah...
Not only do we care about the difference wilson, we actually understand it.
Explain to us why it's important for you to villify Martin. The BT gang was soing that long before this memo came out.
Guergis was exposed for the inexperienced, poor minister that she is. The government was exposed for it's poor handling of the file and on the heels of tacitly supporting the death penalty in the states and the publicity of the cases in Saudi Arabia, India and China, well things just aren't looking too good for foreign affairs at the moment.
Rather than dealing with the real issues, it's easier to divert attention to the victim in an effort to reduce sympathy to her situation.
I really find that pathetic.
As to the report, all I know is that it has been reported as being leaked.
Good grief - are all CPC supporters cold and unfeeling? Do they believe all they hear?
Martin knew they wanted to visit - she didn't want to see them unless they had something to tell her or offer in way of getting out - that's a fact.
Martin did not deny anthing - but her privacy has been breached.
Also, their report left out the fact that Martin was badly beaten in prison, that she helped with children in the nursery. She's a tiny woman - hardly scary.
They didn't mention that she's in prison with "murders", kidnappers and criminals of the worst kind.
Did they bother to check what kind of meds the Mexicans are giving her?
You know when Rick Norlock finally got involved? The last week of parliament before Easter - why? Because the pressure is on with the locals of his riding. In fact, when CanWest approached Norlock in Feb/07 Norlock said she belonged in jail and would return any calls from the paper. Norlock's responses to anything are either PM approved or nasty partisan rhetoric.
Hey, Wilson - you know how I know? I live in Norlock's riding and he is a piece of work. He was a former Alliance Member and a copy.
He will do photo-ops at Trenton with the soldiers and maybe attend a 50th anniversary - other than that he's a total dud.
sandi, what I see is that the Con's don't take the time to approach any issue from a human standpoint. First and foremost they must defend Harper and that is where they place their energy.
It's rare to see a conservative take a stand against Harper, unless they are so far right and displeased with the fact that he's not outlawed SSM, etc.
The net effect? Conservatives look heartless and support the fact that their Leader is too.
"Something else announced on Duffy tonight is that a new poll to be released tomorrow, Ipsos I think, shows the Lib's in Ontario have a 10 point lead. Thanks no doubt to Jim, the leprechaun, Flaherty. Considering that Brenda Martin is from Ontario, I can't see this story doing them any favours."
If you are going to mention polls,please give out the truth not this misinformation.
Mike Duffy wasn't talking about a poll in Ontario. Here is the link in which hear it. Click on the first Mike Duffy with the chain link. You can also look at the poll in the Star funny how they omit to put the Conservative numbers up. You can also take a look in the French paper or the translation version into english.
So at the very least knb I just hope that you would make the necessary correction and stop this misinformation.
Correction I meant to say: in which you can hear it, not (in which hear it)sorry;)
ipsos link doesn't work.
I haven't seen it anywhere.
right, if you had bothered to read the post you'd have realised that I'm speaking of ONTARIO and IPSOS numbers.
Not Quebec and not Crop.
I know you've had difficulty staying on topic in the past, but this takes the cake.
This poll was released March 25. It was taken between March 18 to March 20, 2008. It is about a week old.
This is what you said this past Friday.
"Something else announced on Duffy tonight is that a new poll to be released tomorrow, Ipsos I think, shows the Lib's in Ontario have a 10 point lead. Thanks no doubt to Jim, the leprechaun, Flaherty. Considering that Brenda Martin is from Ontario, I can't see this story doing them any favours."
You made it sound like it was the Ipsos poll that Mike Duffy was talking about. In fact he was talking about the crop poll that was released yesterday (Saturday).
"I know you've had difficulty staying on topic in the past, but this takes the cake."
I'm not of topic because I'm quoting you from your own post.
Sigh. Duffy mentioned it. He didn't refer to it, he mentioned in passing that the Lib's had a 10 point lead over the Con's in Ontario.
I do not remember the exact context but he may have been discussing the Flaherty idiocy in the province.
My reference to the poll here simply has to do with the fact that it's not smart to keep ticking off Ontarians if you want more seats.
So kindly quit calling me a liar because you fail to understand what I've written.
Let us just forget about this we seem to be going in circles on this.
Just to mention that in the age of polling a week is a long time. The crop poll that just came out yesterday is still fresh.
So lets just stop he said /she said kind of thing its getting us nowhere. Let bygones be bygones. Have a great Sunday I just don't want to argue anymore.;)
I'll back you up on that KNB. I believe he mentioned it after the panel was discussing the Quebec numbers, and it was to show the contrast between the two provinces.
Thanks gayle. The poll hadn't come out yet, or I hadn't seen it, but I know I heard him mention it.
right - I'm not arguing with you, I'm telling you that you have totally missed the point.
This is not a post about Quebec, or the Liberals standing in that province.
"It may take an election for that to happen."
Oh, please, please bring it on. The latest CROP poll out of Quebec has the Liberals in fourth place outside the island of Montreal They are even behind the NDP in Stephane Dion's home turf of Quebec City. What does Harper have to do to shame these guys into defeating his government...personally walk across the floor and slap Dion in the face with a glove? Please, bring it on!
Perhaps you missed it, but Harper is the PM. Let him call his own election if he wants it so bad.
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