Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Mr. Harper, You Failed

Interestingly, the NDP is now saying that they will gauge their support on an issue by issue basis. Yep...that's what they are saying. What a difference a summer makes! And the Bloc? Well, they have no comment until tomorrow. Ah...okay. I guess Duceppe needs to sleep on his reaction.

Never mind the CPC for the moment, the Bloc and NDP's free ride is over and they are oh, so not okay with that.

You'll forgive me I hope, for being a bit giddy. I've made no bones about my desire for an election and while it is still dependent on the support of the two parties I just mentioned, I'm thrilled to see this direction taken by the party.

I've received messages from NDP friends and they are not happy, to say the least. That said, it's obvious that I'm a fairly left leaning Liberal and there are some NDP MP's that I like and admire, so if there is an election, I really hope that their focus is on Harper.

As for the CPC, well, Baird's reaction was this side of ridiculous, as was Harper's. Harper said he hasn't met a Canadian that wants an election. Shocking! Translation: He hasn't met a Canadian that hasn't been vetted to be sure he/she is a supporter.

This one is a game changer people. The tone that Ignatieff took today told us an awful lot. An election will be fought on Harper's dismal record and lack of vision for the country. That will be clearly contrasted with a real vision for the country based on the values that Canadians have come to claim. Values like, equality for all, especially all citizens, good fiscal management, compassion, a focus on innovation, the environment, etc, all areas that the Conservatives have failed at.

My last post hinted at that tone and I am now convinced more than ever, that if the CPC continue their petty, juvenile retorts, they will not fair well. Accordingly, if the NDP waste their energy focusing on the Lib's, they will miss the point and once again, help Harper.

Anyway, game on!


Cari said...

It seems to me, the media is going way overboard, saying the Liberals will be the ones responsible for an election. They should tell people, it just means the Liberals will not prop up the government anymore..they cannot cause an election unless the Bloc and NDP vote along with the Liberals.

Karen said...

Yes Cari, to use a twitter expression, #mediafail

If, and I know that is a big word for most, if they were honest, they would reflect on our system. It is the priority of the opposition to not vote confidence. I mean really...they have moaned about the Lib's propping up the government and having no stand, so now that they take one...Ohhh, they are 'responsible' for what?

Hypocrisy, contrarians and those without memory gain ink I guess.

No worries. We'll make it compelling and kill the swill.

Anonymous said...

I've received messages from NDP friends and they are not happy, to say the least. That said, it's obvious that I'm a fairly left leaning Liberal and there are some NDP MP's that I like and admire, so if there is an election, I really hope that their focus is on Harper.

Why would any NDPers be your friend after you threw them under the bus right before voting day in last year's election?

"If you are Green party member, or an NDP member, or maybe at this point you are simply inclined to vote for those parties, I'd ask you to think before you vote."

Strategic voting when necessary, but not necessarily strategic voting? You are as crooked as they come.

I'm sure the NDP guns will be aimed equally at that Republican Iggy as much as at Harper this time around.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the NDP have Iggy attack ads ready to roll.

From Barbara Yaffe's column in today's Vancouver Sun;

The New Yorker article -- in which Ignatieff is interviewed over a cappuccino in Yorkville and at a Stratford performance of Macbeth -- probably won't help dispel the snooty image.

Indeed, the Liberal leader himself reinforces it in a quote you'd never hear from Harper: "Seeing William Hutt do King Lear [at Stratford] in 1964," Iggy recalls, "was one of the three or four shaping experiences of my life: I don't think I've ever written a book without mentioning Lear."

Cari said...

Please tell me why go after Michael..is Harper not the one who is running this Country..last time I looked he was,... so why not go after the many things he has done wrong........I don't think the NDP will get any points doing the dirty work for Harper!!

Karen said...

Wow anon @8:48...I know, I was brutal wasn't I?

LOL Threw them under the bus...you are really going to take my words, those words, as an example of that?

One...it's creepy that you have saved my comments and two...I've stayed pretty reasonable I think throughout the past 4 years.

Yeah, indeed, I have NDP friends. Go figure. CPC friends? Not so much.

Karen said...

oh and your second comment anon, is not even worth mention.

Going after culture will be a big winner in NDP circles. Ha!

Karen said...

Cari, you are right but the NDP aren't mature enough as a party to get that. They, in their actions brought Harper to power and if they keep this game up, they will keep him there.

Sadly, they have no antidote for the illness he brings to this country.

Tomm said...


Like most CPC supporters I was ecstatic with the news today.

I know you want the government's record to be the ballot issue, but it just won't be. It will be the LPC pulling the lever on a government that they've supported. Most Canadian's may not like Harper, but the average canuck can't point to enough things they dislike, to turf him.

Ignatieff is going to look extremely arrogant and like a huge opportunist.

He has given up on western Canada. He can't get more seats in urban Montreal and Toronto. He has most of the Atlantic provinces. The only Liberal pitch is to blackmail suburban and rural Ontario and Quebec. And what is their pitch? The government doesn't like 360 hour EI minimums? Isotopes? Spending too much money or not enough?

The CPC is going to be able to tag Ignatieff as an arrogant person who is not doing this for the nation, but doing it because he cannot disentangle the LPC from the GofC.

Further, Ignatieff is not going up against the CPC for the ridings they are targetting but the NDP and Bloc in equal measure.

This is a suicide mission.

Even further, is the possibility of Harper making a sound case to further punish the LPC because they still haven't figured out why their vote/seat count keeps dropping from 2004, 2006, 2008.

As I said, this is a suicide mission. Sorry my views aren't very helpful for you.

I like Ignatieff, I don't know why he is doing this.

Platty said...

Further to Tomms comment:

CTV online poll

Who would you vote for in a possible fall election?
Conservatives 61%
Liberals 27%
NDP 7%
Other 6%

FredfromBC said...

I get it now. You're so far to the left that you're actually a Bob Rae supporter, aren't you? Of course you are...because only Rae's fans are insane enough to want an election right now, what with the dismal Liberal polling numbers, Ignatieff's rapidly falling popularity and frantic casting about for an issue (any issue!) to build an election platform around.

You want an election now because you want Ignatieff gone, don't you? If he's dumb enough to fall for this he deserves what is going to happen to him...as do the rest of you. Can you say "Conservative Majority"?...

RuralSandi said...

Oh dear - some are upset aren't they? Can't have it both ways. Attack Ignatieff if he supports and attack if he doesn't.

"voting when necessary, but not necessarily strategic voting? You are as crooked as they come."??? Hello - why the double-standard.
Layton asked to "borrow" Lib votes last time.

I've always said that Layton is cocky and brave when the onus isn't on him.

Tomm said...


You said:

"...Attack Ignatieff if he supports and attack if he doesn't."

That is precisely where the LPC is. They are attackable on both sides and do not have obvious bludgeons to attack their foes with.

If this election happens and they come in second again, under a Harper minority, they have the chance to start fresh with firm principals. They can put down a watered down version of their platform and say, select your top three of these and we will support both your budget and the next 6 months. If you don't, we look to form a coalition and submit names to the GG.

They will then look like leaders to everybody. But right now, they just look arrogant and swinging away with an Iggy fist, that he would be better not to show so much.

Layton has been given a sweet ride by the CPC.

RuralSandi said...

Oh pooh.......I'll try it another way - damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Besides, Tomm - aren't you a CPC supporter?

Tomm said...


Yes I do support Harper.

Gayle said...

"Further to Tomms comment:

CTV online poll"

Oh dear lord. Nothing says desperation more than reliance on an online poll.

Tomm - the fact that the LPC will be getting it on all sides is nothing new. It has been that was for decades.

I know it is hard to give voters credit these days, what with all those votes for Harper and all, but do try to understand that people are going to see through the attacks from both sides. That is what elections are all about.

Gayle said...

By the way Tomm, I get the feeling the person you are trying to convince is you.

Karen said...

Tomm, Tomm, Tomm..you are so off, but good go!

Suicide? Hardly. I don't think this will be the case, but even if Harper gets minority again...he's toast. Lib's will gain more seats, face a different leader and prevail. You know that is true. Up or down, Harper gone and if that's it, that's all, I'm one happy camper.

Most Canadian's may not like Harper, but the average canuck can't point to enough things they dislike, to turf him.

Oh, we'll make that clear for all. Don't worry your delicate head about that.

Karen said...

Platty...omg! We;re doomed, clearly!

You guys crack me up.

Tomm said...


All shall be revealed...

Karen said...

Fred, ya, that's it genius!

Here's the deal. Harper is gone, either way...win or lose.

Even if, (which I doubt), the Lib's don't win, Harper will be in for another slim minority and that's him done like dinner.

Harper gone? Me, very happy.

Same scenario...Ignatieff's first kick at the Con, uh, can. He'll stay and improve out standing.

Yes. I'm pretty happy right now and indeed, luv Bob Rae, but I also am perfectly happy with Ignatieff as leader of the party.

Win/win in my books.

penlan said...

Platty is all over the blogosphere posting that crooked CTV poll in comments. Crooked you say? Of course it is. Con trolls descended like lemmings & voted & voted & voted, making sure they outvoted all other responses.

Ignatieff arrogant? - hmmm...if anyone is arrogant it's Stalinist Stephen Harper. Yes, Stalin is his favourite author & one he reads over & over again so as not to forget exactly what he wants to do to Canada - make it unrecognizable to us & the world. Bye, bye megalomaniac Steve.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Never mind the CPC for the moment, the Bloc and NDP's free ride is over and they are oh, so not okay with that.
Free ride?
Last time both those parties were univocally ready to defeat the Connies.... Iggy put the Cons on probation..

Karen said...

c_wtf, only because they knew they were safe.

Layton/Mulcair are suddenly singing a different tune now.

It is transparent and hypocritical, not to mention hilarious

Anonymous said...

So when is Iggy going to "out" the government?

Will it be tomorrow or much, much later?

Anonymous said...

c_wtf, only because they knew they were safe.
Well no.

They had stated their intentions before Iggy pronounced his...

As mentioned long ago, why should the NDP and or BQ follow the Libs now?

Karen said...

Oh come on..you're much smarter than that.

You want to defend Layton, be my guest but at least be factual about it.

Anonymous said...

So when is Iggy going to stop supporting Harper? In a month....?

penlan said...

cwtf wrote:

"So when is Iggy going to stop supporting Harper? In a month....?"

So, cwtf, when are YOU going to stop supporting Harper? Cause that's what you sound like - a Con troll.

Karen said...

What the heck are you going on about?

Read slowly.

The Liberal party will not support this government again, full stop, period.

jeffkramerak said...

I think he would say---I don’t know what to tell you buddy, but stick with it….

Anonymous said...

So, cwtf, when are YOU going to stop supporting Harper?
Cute Penlan given that the Liberals have been supporting Harper since Dion...

I can't wait to hear from Iggy why we need an election. After all, he's been playing along with Harper for so long now....

penlan said...

Are you incapable of reading? Have a comprehension problem? Ignatieff said no more propping up the Cons. That means starting from now on. You are one very boring person. I suppose that if the NDP or the Bloc prop up the Cons you will somehow blame it on Iggy - his fault. You're nothing but a Con troll. And you are proving it quite clearly now.

penlan said...

"I can't wait to hear from Iggy why we need an election."

He has listed reasons in his speech. A lot of them. Or are you unable to comprehend what he is saying or what is printed in the transcripts of the speech?

Seems you can't stand the fact that Iggy has taken a firm stand now.