While this blog has been dark for a while, I need to weigh in
here. Be prepared, I intend to ramble a bit.
Let me start by saying I burst out laughing a few times today when Kory
Teneycke (pictured here), sought to rebut any criticism of the station,
SunTV, being compared to FOX NEWS. His comment? Their 'potential' competition was simply bashing the station before it had been established.
No, no, no Kory. A) Your friends at Fox would be insulted, B) Your stance and use of the term
MSM is precisely what FOX is known for and C) it would be you who is doing the bashing.
course they are following the FOX NEW model! Is anyone surprised? Can't think of why he'd deny that...oh wait, there is a
CRTC ruling yet to happen and that might, just maybe, explain that bit of nonsense.
In later interviews, without mentioning the name of the station, or answering simple questions, it was clear that a formula was being followed and it is that of FOX. Kory can try to include CNN and
MSNBC in that group, but he cannot deny his political stance, ergo...FOX NEWS is what they are presenting.
What is astonishing, is the false premise that is being put forward. Now, the Conservative party is famous for both false premise and false dichotomy. That is their
raison d'étre. It's all about duping you and sadly, many buy the pitch. Black and white is their deal. False dichotomy has no grey...yet that is where intelligent debate, throughout the ages, has occurred.
Their false premise being that in Canada, we do not have real debate and all news stations basically echo each other. They are too politically correct and to use his term, (which is a good one), they "file the edges" of debate. In my world, that would be translated to, keeping it civil...but whatever.
Underlying all of this of course is that the 'right' want to establish a greater voice. The irony is that the 'right' controls most media in this country, and their voice is predominant. Talk radio, Sun media, most editorials in major papers, (recall Harper endorsements) come from the 'right'.
The false premise, inferred, though not articulated, is that the evil
MSM is bias...toward the 'left' of course. What utter BS! What is not 'right' leaning is balanced overall. Kory may not like the fact that people in this country actually fall to the middle and look for news that is factually accurate, but that is indeed what most want and what we get. Indeed, Kory is not keen on fact.
The serious side of all of this is one that worries me. We saw this assault in the States under Bush, Rove...
etal, and then saw the US media over-compensate. I see that happening here since Kory made his outrageous claim over the pollster used by the CBC.
I don't know why, but when this government says jump!, the media in this country don't seem to ask how deep the abyss they might descend to is. That makes me a bit crazy, but that said, I think the last thing we need is
FOXNEWS 'like' station here.
If the premise had been to
invigorate a real news network more competition, I would have applauded. That is not what this is. It is a blatant attempt to skew news and tempt the competition to provide an out of reality balance...false dichotomy engagement,
intended to dumb it down. This, we do NOT need in this country.
I have to make a couple of personal comments here. Two people have been announced. David Akin and Brian
Lilley. I've met David and have had conversations with Brian. They both strike me as good people. David I think is a really professional newsman, and I went after him the other night on Twitter for his buy in (read: sell out) to this. I've since apologised and David, ever the gentleman, told me not to sweat it. I still don't see it as a good move for someone of integrity. In fact, I'd love to see him do CBC Politics and Power. I guess that was not an option.
Lilley I know from his reports on
CFRB, now
Newstalk1010. He also reports for
CJAD in Quebec if I'm not mistaken. Both stations are decidedly conservative and while Brian reports the news as it happens, he brings a slant to it. He's also on some of the shows and panels, and it's clear, he takes a Conservative view. That said, I do not discredit him, I just think it is disingenuous to portray him as having no position. He is a serious reporter though. He doesn't ignore fact.
So, here we are. The "Far Right" is making a play for the airwaves. You knew it was coming. I have to say I don't think this would have happened had the current government been defeated, but here we are.
What say you? I think you know where I stand.