Of course, the list seems to be a bit dated and doesn't include more recent taunts, like, Taliban lover and terrorist supporter, etc. That said, I don't think that the Liberals are lily white when it comes to this issue, but calls that I have heard have more to do with the lies the government throws around than anything else. I don't quite know how to explain it. There is just a different level. The NDP are not absolved either. Have you ever watched Mulcair? Yikes!
The Conservatives come from a different place. Disbelievers in anything that they deem to be politically correct, (a term that for the most part I find disingenuous, useless really and would prefer to use 'civility'), they don't seem to feel bound by any normal conventions of decorum.
We all know that the Internet is a place where people say things that they would never normally say in public. Provocateurs live to claim the outrageous. Some get called on it, most don't.
But many in the Conservative party seem to have no qualms in spewing their nonsense in the real world. There is a certain naiveté that one could attribute, (no compliment there), with some MP's, but for the most part, there just seems to be a nastiness that they are unabashed about sharing.
So, to the point of the post.
Vic Toews apparently thinks it's perfectly fine to take things out of context. As I'm sure you've read here and elsewhere, Toews is using 10 per centers to suggest that Ignatieff bashed the Ukrainian community. Now, unlike his brethren, he doesn't try to justify his out of context claims with the standard bogus line, 'we're only using his own words' (envision the pitch of voice and look of innocence with that comment).
No, this man actually says that taking comments out of context is unimportant. Context doesn't matter.
But Toews said the context does not justify what Ignatieff wrote about the Ukrainian community.
Really. Really? He then goes on to claim that the comments were not taken out of context. Oookaaay?
"There are some pretty troubling comments that were made," said Toews. "Referring to Ukrainians as little Russians and questioning the propriety of Ukrainian independence and nationalism. These are not comments that were taken out of context. He has a lot of explaining to do."
Yes Vic, they were taken out of context. You know when you write something?...uh...scratch that. You know when you are recounting something to friends, like confronting a situation that you know is laden with stereotypes and in the course of telling the story you cite those stereotypes? That recounting does not reflect your opinion does it?
Then again, even that query is dangerous. This is the man after all, who called Louise Arbour 'disgusting', based solely on ideology and positions taken out of context.
Proud to be ignorant? You be the judge.
Update: Just another case in point re' the Conservatives?
btw...Time is short for me at the moment, so I apologise for infrequent and 'light' posting. I know there is much to discuss and when time allows...I will rail! I promise.
Care to elaborate on your Mulcair smear?
I think that James Travers had a good article today.
I know you love him, but he is vicious and his record is clear.
But no, to your ask. This post is not about him, so I'll not be diverted. You do realise you are using Con tactics here right?.
Sorry, not playing the game.
Mulcair, like Bennett, Coderre and others yell. I meant only to keep it inclusive.
Bottom line, the Con's cross it.
See the vid just added.
The NDP are not absolved either. Have you ever watched Mulcair? Yikes!
Then don't bring it up.
Vic Toews apparently thinks it's perfectly fine to take things out of context
It's a rare politician who does not.
That's why we have spin doctors that render most utterances void of any meaning.
As stupid as these people are, they are elected by the populace. Do we get the politicians we deserve?
Re-read the post cwtf.
You condone this garbage?
Have you really seen any other party do this?
I said the Lib's yelled...what is your problem here? You don't see the inanity of Toews comments...can't bring yourself to say what he is proposing vis a vis Ignatieff is wrong?
Michael has said that Toews has deliberately taken his book and taken words out of context. He said it was completely false what Toews has be saying. Michael said he would never say those words, as his ancestors are Ukrainian and some are buried in the Ukraine and they are looked after beautifully. Michael should tell the whole Country about these conservatives, and what they ae doing
Those senators need to grow up, especially Manning.
You condone this garbage?
Of course not -
I think the article I posted sums it up nicely.
Always a blood sport, federal politics is now a brawl. Liberals threw the first punches by demonizing the Reform Party and then its successors as agents of a secret agenda. Conservatives are swinging back harder, accusing their rivals of being soft on crime, unpatriotic, even traitors. It's schoolyard ugly and so hyperpartisan that public debate ends in personal assault. Embarrassing, yes, but frustrating, too, for a country deserves better.
We have short memories - I remember when Harper and his gang of ignorant bobbleheads were in opposition and it was terrible.
The speaker has to do a better job - I wonder some times if he's afraid he won't get voted back in as speaker if he clamps down.
All parties have had their moments and I'm sure it's hard to hold back when the Cons are so insulting. Mulclair is certainly a lose cannon and seems to need anger management courses and Pat Martin has said some nasty things. Marlene Jennings has trouble keeping her comments in check.
But, I really feel that from the NDP, BLOC and Libs it's a result of total frustration and anger at the constant insults, etc. from the Cons. They should try to keep above it - it would help in making the Cons look bad.
I remember the insults to Navdeep Bains, Royal Gatineau (Con MP) trying to punch David McGuinty.
The speaker has to toughen up.
Cherniak_WTF said...
"The NDP are not absolved either. Have you ever watched Mulcair? Yikes!" (knb)
"Then don't bring it up." (cwtf)
CWTF - Whose blog is this? Yours? Didn't think so. knb can write anything she likes, it's her site.
Write what you like at your blog. Oops, I forgot, you don't have one. Trying to control the message at someone's blog is rather asinine. Get your own blog so we can come & comment on what your thoughts are.
I agree with you that the Speaker needs to do his job better. It always surprises me that he is so "mamy-pamby". He doesn't deserve the job if he can't enforce the rules - & he doesn't enforce them. He could change the decorum in the House but instead is just a weak figure-head, it seems, out only to enjoy all the perks that come along with the job. Time for him to go. And yes, I know he's a Lib. Heard some grumblings from his riding recently that he is not there for his constituents because of the Speaker's job & they are getting tired of it. Every election he gets less & less votes. He will be booted out soon I think.
CWTF - Whose blog is this? Yours? Didn't think so. knb can write anything she likes, it's her site.
That's true. And if she chooses to post innuendo, smears, half-truths or outright lies about the Evil Conservatives, people who care about truth and accuracy will be quick to post here and call her a liar (and you too, if need be).
Your friends Gayle and RuralSandi make a habit of trolling Conservative blogs...you should expect no different.
FredfromBC...I don't bother leaving comments at Conservative blogs & rarely go there anyway.
Also, are you saying that CWTF is a Conservative & if so do you have proof of that? Because that's what your comment is suggesting.
He's always denied it when asked.
"And if she chooses to post innuendo, smears, half-truths or outright lies about the Evil Conservatives, people who care about truth and accuracy will be quick to post here and call her a liar (and you too, if need be)."
That's interesting because I have never found knb to do any of those things BUT have found that to be the standard for Con bloggers AND the Harper Cons. Especially Harper. The others are just given their talking points from him via the PMO whether they agree with them or not they must follow the "Leader" or their tossed out of caucus (Casey, eg.).
"That's true. And if she chooses to post innuendo, smears, half-truths or outright lies about the Evil Conservatives, people who care about truth and accuracy will be quick to post here and call her a liar (and you too, if need be)."
Interesting - but I note you never go beyond making this allegation. Do you have some particular examples of half truths and lies posted on this site?
Because if not, you are the liar.
It is easy to say something. It is much harder to actually back it up with facts and examples.
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