Would it surprise you to know that during the press conference at the conclusion of the SPP meeting, Harper used every opportunity to swipe at Dion? No, I didn't think so.
Here is a man, who is supposed to be discussing serious issues concerning this country and ALL of it's citizens, but of course, that is beyond his capability. He concerns himself with his base. That's it, that's all.
Taking a question, from a Fox News reporter no less, (who incidentally was grinning while it was asked, so it was set up), what they thought of the rumours of a "super highway" etc. and the protests. At the nub of his question, was the issue of secrecy and did they think that was was fueled these rumours. Both presidents answered rather generally, mostly touting the usefulness of the meetings, though Bush provided Harper some cover by suggesting it was humorous. Calderon also stated that it was most important to explain clearly to their respective citizens what the meetings are about.
Did Harper do that? Of course not. He took the opportunity to take shots at Dion, lumping him in with every conspiracy theorist out there. Of course, Dion said none of the things that Harper accused him of. He requested that Harper advise Bush that the diversion of water would not be included in any discussions.
all know that as a part of the North American Future Project 2025, that water was up for discussion. It states clearly that the US and Mexico will eventually run out of water and that Canada possesses 20% of the world's fresh water. Given that reality, the report suggests that options should be explored to determine what can be done about this. Specifically:
Because water availability, quality, and allocation are likely to undergo profound changes between 2006 and 2025, policymakers will benefit from a more proactive approach to exploring different, creative solutions beyond the current transboundary [sic] water management agreements that the United States has reached with both Mexico and Canada. One such option could be regional agreements between Canada, the United States and Mexico on such issues as water consumption, water transfers, artificial diversion of fresh water, water conservation technologies for agricultural irrigation, and urban consumption.Even though several agreements pertaining to surface water and water quality are in place between the three countries, little or no policy has been formulated concerning ground water.We know that the jurisdiction of water lies primarily with the states in the US and our provinces here, but the report goes on to say that,
the two countries must work out these bureaucratic challenges particularly if the overriding future goal of North America is to achieve joint optimum utilization of the available water and to implement.There is no conspiracy theory here, these are stated goals put out by one of the working groups, presented to the SPP. No one is making this stuff up. Now, by having that stated goal as just one aspect of what the SPP is looking into, does not mean that Canada has agreed to anything and Dion didn't say that. He said,
if this is on the table, you must make Canada's position clear, and that is, we are not prepared to do this. I'm speculating now, but I presume his concern lies in how we negotiated energy, that is, if there is a shortage, we cannot cut off the US, to divert what we may need here to take care of Canadians.
Call me crazy, but isn't the job of the PM to put Canada and Canadians first?
Apparently not so with our current PM. He's so consumed with scoring political points, that he takes an issue as serious as this to make jokes and deride the opposition and that "left-wing media", laughs with him.
Most Canadians of course will not have seen this press conference. Dim bulbs like Taber and Duffy are sure to play it up, but in the end, that means little. What is more concerning, is that Harper has nary a clue of what it is to be a statesman. I for one am beyond tired of having a PM with the instincts of an 8 year old guiding this country.