You of course remember the Abderazik case and how the government was forced, yes forced, to bring him home. If it wasn't abundantly clear before just how little the Conservatives cared about this man's life, this should make it clear.
Abousfian Abdelrazik is home again in Canada after six nightmarish years in Sudan, but his ordeal is not over. He finds himself on a United Nations terrorist blacklist – the 1267 – which imposes a total asset freeze on him and all listed individuals. Canadian regulations implementing this list prohibit anyone from providing Mr. Abdelrazik with any kind of material aid, including salary, loans of any amount, food or clothing. He can barely survive while on this list.
“I need my named removed from that list,” he says. “I want to live my life like a normal Canadian.”
Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon, who refuses to meet with Mr. Abdelrazik, cynically advised him of a UN website that explains how he can try to be “delisted” from the 1267 terrorist blacklist []. The Harper government, which has already caused this Canadian citizen such terrible damage, will not help him in any way. Yet like everything at the United Nations, delisting is an intensely politicized process. No one has actually been removed unless his government has lobbied on his behalf.
That last sentence kind of clinches it doesn't it? He has little hope unless the government will help, but the government has basically said, tough're on your own.
What is the basis for that stance? The only thing I can come to is if someone has been accused of having links to terrorism, even though CSIS has said they have nothing on them, that initial accusation has more weight than the rule of law apparently. You know, that little detail of innocent until proven guilty?
To be frank, I have no way of knowing what goes on in the minds of people like Cannon and Harper, but I do know this. This government is playing with peoples lives and they have clearly chosen that some lives are worth more than others in this country. The other component that is clear is that they are appeasing their wing-nut base.
How did we get to the point in this country that the loons actually hold sway?
Please read more about this mess here. It is time to make noise.