The Standing Committee on Natural Resources held it's meeting this morning and what a meeting it was.
It began with
Lunn making a statement that had many words, but said nothing more than
I did my job really well.He made the obligatory statements, that this is all the Liberals fault and of course it's the former President of the
CSNC fault too.
As expected,
Lunn answers no questions he just drones on and on in a robotic monotone, repeating at least 100 times that he did his job well and he would have been remiss to have not fired Keen. Oh and did you know that a special Parliamentary session was held in December to vote on whether or not to order the reactor to restart?
Geez, he must have said that 100 times as well, always pointing out that Parliament voted in favour insinuating that he's off the hook basically.
The Q&A went something like this. He ignored the Lib questions, he avoided the Bloc questions, he occasionally gave the
NDP an answer, (who
btw managed to work accusations against the Lib's into her questions and oddly kept referring to the Minister as Gary?) and then he sat back as the members of his own party blew him kisses across the room. (An aside. What is with Cheryl Gallant? She is one odd duck.)
There are so many holes in his explanation of all the events surrounding this controversy, it is difficult to know where to start.
Let's start with yesterday's meeting shall we. It was the usual nonsense of the Lib's putting forward a motion and the Con's doing their best to change it. The Lib's wanted to hear
Lunn first, but the Con's said that Keen should be heard first. Clearly the Con proposal made no sense as Keen was there to
defend herself in view of
Lunn's previous and current accusations. Why would you put her on first, before hearing
Lunn's reasoning?
In the end the Lib motion was passed which may or may not have resulted in Linda Keen being fired at 10:00pm last night and subsequently not coming to committee today. This is just my
speculation, but it seems to me that having lost the battle to have
Lunn rebut any comments made by Keen, the order to fire her was given.
Lunn admitted that he made the decision to fire her yesterday.
Fast forward to today and toward the end of the meeting Omar
Alghabra has heard that the chair Leon Benoit had new information on this afternoon's meeting with Linda Keen.
Alghabra wants to know this info before letting the Minister go. Benoit balks, refuses, then caves at which point we learn that Keen e-mailed the clerk at 0900 to say she
would be there, then a 2
nd e-mail arrived at 1045 saying she
would not appear. That one was sent by the
CNSC apparently with her knowledge.
The only thing I can think of is that perhaps for legal reasons related to her being fired, she couldn't appear. Convenient? I'll say.
Many things came out of this meeting that I find really disturbing.
Since when in Canada does the government insert itself into a semi-judicial regulatory body, then threaten it's President and finally fires her close to midnight, hours before she is supposed to testify before a committee?
Throughout the testimony,
Lunn continually repeated that had he and government not taken action to hold a special session,
people would have died. Tests were being delayed and that was not good, but he said that within days critical medical procedures would have been cancelled resulting in deaths. That's the first I've heard of that. I do not recall
Nordion speaking to that issue. I do recall they were worried about losing
money and I do recall a
commenter on another thread informing me that
Nordion has an agreement with a supplier in Belgium for just such an emergency. This same commenter also reminded me that Harper and co. had floated the idea of
privatizing the
AECL last
summer. And while this whole issue of shut-down originated with
AECL, absolutely no blame was cast their way by
Lunn. That makes absolutely no sense, so obviously we are only getting part of the story.
McGuinty brought up the fact that if you do your job as an independent regulator, you get fired or
harassed. He reminded everyone of Harper's famous comment at the last election. I'm paraphrasing here:
For those who are worried about the Conservatives pushing through their agenda, you needn't be. We have Liberal appointed civil servants, Senate, regulators and judiciary, so we won't be able to push through a Conservative agenda. McGuinty further reminded us of the actual individuals who have been fired or
harassed, since this government took over. In one case a conservative appointee quit out of frustration.
Jean-Pierre Kinsley - Chief Electoral Officer
Gelina - Environment Commissioner
William Corbett - Commissioner of Elections
Mayrand - Chief Electoral Officer
Linda Keen - Pres.
NCSCJohn Reid - Information Commissioner
I'll end on this. Harper and
Lunn are covering up their bungling and whatever other plans that have not yet come to light. Their defense and justification as I mentioned
earlier seems to revolve around the fact that everyone voted to restart the reactor the special session. In their usual delusional fashion, they took that to mean that the opposition agreed with them. They did not. The opposition parties were given a choice of 2 evils. They had not lost confidence in Linda Keen, but they had to choose which risk was higher. The health risk or the risk of a possible seismic event that could present danger. They voted for the lesser of the two evils.
This is not going to go away anytime soon and Harper will wear this. The next meeting has been put off until parliament returns, Jan. 29 to be precise, at which point the Liberals have called Sheila Fraser, the head of
AECL and Linda Keen.
Stay tuned.
Update: Scotian reminded me of an additional action taken by this government. The firing of the Wheat Board