It's always interesting to read opinion pieces isn't it? Given all the election talk, there is no shortage of opinion out there today.
I can't say that I've read too much in favour of calling an election now, but there are varying opinions as to why we shouldn't.
Some are rallying behind Harper and chirping his 'tough talk' and others are taking a more measured view. Yet others are reading polls and tea leaves and basing their opinion on the odds.
At this moment, I happen to think it is a good time to go. I know there are scores of reasons not to.
- Polls suggesting Canadians don't want an election
- Harper will play up Liberal opportunism
- Summer is a tough time to engage people/potential for backlash
- Coffers aren't as full as we'd like
There are more I suppose, but when I look at these, the ones most commonly cited, they still don't outweigh the reasons why I think we should go.
The first objection is ridiculous. No one ever says they
want an election, which is sad when watching Iran today, but turn the question to, do we
need one? The Conservatives would obviously say no because everything is just going along tickity-boo according to tax dollar funded infomercial we saw on Thursday. But, if the
need question is then framed in a way that presents a clear alternative, the answer could very well be yes, on both sides.
Things aren't all peaches and cream as it relates to the economy. If you can tell whether the money is actually flowing from that carefully crafted
propoganda brochure we saw after the infomercial, well, I suspect you are seeing what you want.
So, that is the premise on which we have said we'd go to the polls and the spin at this point is,
- 80% of the money is flowing
- the money would stop
- we're better than everyone else in the world
- Ignatieff is only in it for the power
- the Liberals are being opportunistic
Is that money flowing? There is no evidence that it is and what's more difficult to determine is precisely how much has been specifically allocated. In simple terms; if an invoice were to come in today, would it be paid?
You see, that the money would
stop is a canard. The main estimates have passed and now I think we are waiting on the supply motion. Of the main estimates, how much has been allocated? All of that could still flow, by means of special warrants. Stopping the flow of money
could in fact lie in the hands of the Conservatives...but I need more info on that.
As for political opportunism and Ignatieff only seeking power, I say yes to both, because I don't necessarily restrict their inference to being negative.
Using opportunity to gain power is not unique to the Liberals, nor just political parties, obviously. Isn't that how everything in life operates? When an opportunity presents itself, you evaluate whether or not it is beneficial? And, seeking power isn't necessarily crass. It's necessary to hold power in order to implement change and that certainly is what we need.
The reasons why we need a new government? They are numerous. I know many say it is difficult to distinguish between the two parties and as ridiculous as that concept is to me, it may be one of best reasons to go.
had to support the government and cite our dissent has been necessary up to this time. Anyone who believes we should have pulled the plug earlier, isn't thinking. This time, yes based on some of the polling, people are paying attention and they see the Liberals as a viable alternative. I think it's time to take that sentiment and provide reasons for the change.
The Conservatives really have a miserable record as it relates to what people in this country care about. To name a few:
Human Rights, the protection of Canadian citizens, the environment, the economy, food safety, immigration, progressive law and order, nuclear safety, heritage, culture, Canadian institutions, foreign affairs and our reputation, equality (Status of Women), drug treatment, meaningful research and technology/science funding, real transparency, respect for the rule of law...
Crafting how the Conservatives have failed us and demonstrating how the Liberals would change things in a 30 second sound bite is no easy task....but it's not impossible.
When I see something like
this, in addition to the rest of their 'hang 'em high' law and order agenda, I can't help but see opportunism in it's most negative sense being employed. It's time to put a stop to the abuse.
All of that said, if we decide to go, as I hope we do, it's still quite possible that the NDP will strike a deal with Harper. Gawd knows Layton has done it before and I'm sure I read somewhere today that he's still thinking about it.
With that in the shadows, it's still a win/win for the Lib's. It's time to break the mold, no matter the outcome.
Worth a gander :