I watched QP today and when Harper said:
MR. Speaker, what's at issue here is the credibility of the leader of the opposition. ( Interjections ) who has been here week after week, demanding not just that the government spend more, but that it spend more permanently, mr. Speaker, and now -- and now, mr. Speaker, he tries to come and pretend he's concerned about the deficit. Mr. Speaker, I can't fire the leader of the opposition. With all of the tapes i've got on him, i don't want to.
(from CC transcripts)
I confess that my mouth flew open. Did he just say tapes? Did he just stand in the House and 1) admit to being behind the negative ads and 2) say that he has more tape? Yes indeed, I'm sorry to say that Nixon came to mind.
Immediately after that thought though, I remembered how tapes have played a prominent role in this PM's career. We had the Grewal revelations that really should have told the country all they needed to know. Then we had the Cadman tape, that again revealed the man for who he is. Now, he is spending his time reviewing tapes of Ignatieff? Not tapes of Ignatieff doing anything untoward mind you. Just tapes of Ignatieff either doing his job at the time, or speaking to a reporter.
Like the Grewal tapes, the tapes that Harper seemed to revel in today are those that have been doctored. Intentionally designed to present what isn't there into a reality. That's the basis of all of their ads after all. Ignatieff now and Dion before him. I suppose that might be why they jumped to that defense when the Cadman tape came out. 'They're doctored!", they cried.
Harper really exposed himself today. He gleefully put it on record that he is spending his time, lying in wait, to use tapes against Ignatieff.
What a class act this PM is. Nixon himself would indeed be proud.
Vid from BC'er.
Oh my, just think of the juicy tapes of Harper..even without smearing him . I wonder how much the Conservatives spent trying to dig all this nonsense up.
They play dirty just like the Republicans in U.S. who tried everything on Obama, and it did not work.
Ignatieff is going to snap one of these times . Harper deserves everything that is hurled back at him
KNB, I have to ask, are you working for the Liberals?
After your post and real name showed up on Iggy's site, I'm curious... if only because your post seem to be of the "cookie-cutter" variety of late...
I gather I'm not to focus on the valid point of "at's at issue here is the credibility of the leader of the opposition. ( Interjections ) who has been here week after week, demanding not just that the government spend more, but that it spend more permanently, mr. Speaker, and now -- and now, mr. Speaker, he tries to come and pretend he's concerned about the deficit."What's new about the Connies have problem with the truth? This is not the first time that they have used "doctored" and cherry-picked their quotes out of context.
I'm not sure what Nixon has to do with this... the analogy will have to be explained... Iggy's Puffin quote is much better...
Nixon had tapes about many people.
Thanks Cari...
I wonder if we should talk about Chalk River... now that's a clusterfu**....
Nixon...I guess if that was around the time that you left Canada and moved to the US it would be the type of thing that would stick in your mind. ;)
Seems that MI has hit the nail on the head with the Nixon reference....
However, in my opinion the electorate does not want another election.
Clearly the Libs and the opposition has not enunciated their alternatives clearly OR he MSM has chosen to ignore the details.
Seems to me that the Libs have proposed some proposals worth consideration vis a vis some "temporary" at
alteration of EI formula
Can we have them clearly articulated and debated? Voters (at least this one) would a) appreciate a thoughful debate and b) will remember at the next ballot remember who was proposing a reasoned and thoughtful solution.
There was that Dipper-coalition (Nixon) audio tape,
but of course, PMSH was referring to video tapes of MI pretending he wasn't Canadian.
Maybe he did it in Britain too?
Funny how MI immediately relates a QP quote to something American, eh.
Wilson, who spent the previous seven years defending Bush, is now out and about wallpapering over the Nixonian era, or at least his so-called leader is. Well let me ask, who said "is this for publication?"
Hail to the Chief, right Wilson?
"Anonymous said...
Nixon...I guess if that was around the time that you left Canada and moved to the US it would be the type of thing that would stick in your mind. ;)"
Anyone from the Nixon era that was an adult, or even a teenager of about 14 or so, at the time would remember the Nixon tapes. So you didn't have to leave the country for it to stay in your mind. It was a huge news issue throughout the world.
So anyone very young or born after the fact may not understand it & perhaps can't be bothered to do a bit of research.
Brent Fuller is going to get his Harper "I will never tax income trusts" tape out again.
More than the Nixon it is the mention of intimidation that caught my attention the most.
Speaking of which, have the results of police investigations beem made public on the cutting of brake lines of automobiles and defacing with graffiti the homes of Liberal supporters in Ontario?
Earth to Iggy
"Ignatieff described the comment as the "most Nixonian" of Harper's many remarks to him. "Every day that goes by, he's more like Richard Nixon," Ignatieff told reporters."
Making references to a long dead US President kindda plays into their hands.
Ignatieff is going to snap one of these times . Harper deserves everything that is hurled back at him
Hi, I say when he snaps a good swift quick kick on his kister followed by a knock out punch on his big nasty mouth and long nose would be in order. this might even get Harpers own MP;s clapping. Thats how one treats bullies. Hit them where it hurts the most.
Anonymous said...
Nixon...I guess if that was around the time that you left Canada and moved to the US it would be the type of thing that would stick in your mind. ;)
11:33 PM
Where were you = asleep? It was on TV day and night, a famous book written about it, a movie made about and famous David Frost (British by the way) interview. You'd have to be pretty isolated not to know - how stupid a statement again by this Anon that goes through to blogosphere with crap like this. Again, looking like a partisan uninformed fool.
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