To my mind, it's bigotry that has found a convenient issue to hide behind. Political correctness is the straw man that c/Conservatives drag up whenever they want to express an ugly view while claiming that their voice is being stifled. I give you Ezra Levant as an example, or Michael Coren. (If you are not familiar with either, Google is your friend.)
That said, if this is the kind of pithy, exciting discussion that Kory thinks we are missing in this country, I may have to change my opinion of the new station he is pursuing. What I mean by that is, maybe this vile, low rent discourse needs more exposure. Yes, I know it's already out there in print and on radio, but maybe up close and personal, in your living room, is what this country needs to wake up to what some of the right and frankly some of your government, stands for.
What is especially delightful, is the zinger that the author throws in at the end:
The CBC, however, must feel absolutely shattered.
The last two GGs -- Adrienne Clarkson and outgoing Michaelle Jean -- both had the CBC's turgid blood coursing through their brains.
But no CT scan is needed for Johnston.
He is CBC clear and bias-free.
You can practically hear the giggling 'gotcha' can't you? Except the author has exposed him/herself to be ignorant of the facts. I know, you are shocked. Though not the best source always, Wikipedia says this:
Johnston has also acted as moderator of two public affairs panel discussion programmes, The Editors and The World in Review, which aired in the 1990s on both CBC Newsworld in Canada and PBS in the United States.
So while Johnston didn't have extensive history with the CBC, 'CBC clear' would not be accurate and to throw a little PBS in there? Well, what can I say?
In fairness, we weren't expecting accuracy or fact from this group, were we?
Why does Kory T always scowl? Is it just an angry NeoCon thing, or does he think it looks good on him?
You'll have to ask Kory, but in general, Conservatives, at least this brand, aren't a happy bunch.
Their mission is to seek all that is wrong, in their opinion, with this country. Sadly, their insouciance about what matters, always translates. In fact, it seems to be a bit of a mantra.
Words on radio, print, photo's just there.
Maybe that is what you see.
I have the strangest feeling that Harper is doing things to this Country we may never fix, and it is closing in on me.
Annie, don't let it close in. He is implementing his 'planned vision' of Canada, but most can be undone. Sadly, it will take years.
Yea, he's regressed the country and no one is speaking to it. False praise abounds and I'm not sure why.
Economy? Job growth? Yes, it was fantastic, but those numbers aren't real. Talking heads are telling us this, but media is reporting...yay! spite of fact.
I don't know, I still think fact will prevail.
Is no one outraged by that article? Hip Hip Hooray for the White Guy?
Seriously people, look that in it's face and speak to it.
Considering that Sun Group of Newspapers primary markets are in the major metropolitan areas of this country I am surprised by this editorial, particularly the title.
Their markets are very diverse so I cannot see it as being a good business move to show disrespect for people of colour.
But what do I know?
Ottlib...agreed completely. That was the point of this post. They are so missing, nay, attacking their supposed target, it's laughable.
Let us allow them to contintue to show their idiocy...that is my vote at the moment.
KNB said...
Is no one outraged by that article? Hip Hip Hooray for the White Guy?
The answer to that would seem to be "no, not really...".
Seriously people, look that in it's face and speak to it.
Speak to what? It's an *opinion* piece, and in the minds of many people (not just conservatives) it hit the nail right on the head. We got the best person for the job, period. How refreshing. If you don't like it, try reading the Red Star instead, where a Liberal can always be guaranteed to find just the right amount of political correctness and none of that nasty support for Stephen Harper.
Fred, we can always count on you to be stupid and naive when it comes to Harper.
Harper wants the ethnic votes? I suggest that you send this article to every ethnic/black/olive/French person you know.
Ottlib - I live in rural Ontario and the Sun bought all the little newspapers in my county. It is trash now. Where there used to be a police report somewhere inside the paper it is now "front" page.
I saw the comments section before the Sun removed them and they were awful, disgusting and not very intelligent.
Most people I know don't read the Sun (you are considered a low life if you do), but I'm sure going to forward any of these articles to everyone I know.
CBC, GG - who's next.
Why should the article be sent to every ethnic/black/olive/French person you know? Only a lefty would believe they didn't read a paper. Perhaps you could read it for them, just in case, and point out to them that they are being dissed, or some other stupid notion you would like them to believe.
The only racist party are the one's on the left, who for one reason or another don't believe ethnic/black/olive/French are capable of participating in society as contributing citizens because they are ethnic/black/olive/French.
The ethnic/black/olive/French can speak for themselves, they don't need no lily white socialist English ass, speaking for them, and telling them they are to play the perpetual victims, to provide a whack of lily white socialist English asses a job and a political platform.
Honey Pot - you didnt' read what I said. I was talking about people I personally know and they don't read the Sun. Therefore, I thought they should see the article. When I sent it, they appreciated it. And, they did read it all by themselves, something most Cons supporters don't do. They instruct their supporters, via their website, in what to say and do.
By the way, the friends I refer to are lawyers, computer tech people, GM employees, artists, etc. Yup, they all read very, very well - something you don't do.
Do you not realize that people look down on those that read the Sun?
So get off your soapbox dearie.
You read the Sun Sandi, so what does that make you?
"By the way, the friends I refer to are lawyers, computer tech people, GM employees, artists, etc. Yup, they all read very, very well - something you don't do."-rural Sandi.
What kind of a statement is that? Did you do that for them, or did they do it by themselves? Did someone try to stop them from doing that here in Canada?
Stop your bullshitting, you are a left-lib socialist racist who does not believe the majority of ethnic/black/olive/French are capable of thinking or participating, and your job is to perpetuate the myth of victimhood, for the party.
Sandi, just ignore HP. S/he is clearly just trying to rile you. No one with a brain actually accepts what s/he has to say.
"We got the best person for the job, period. How refreshing."
I will have to disagree with this. We got a qualified person for the position to be sure. What was once a figurehead position, directed more to public relations than to hard political decisions, has now become a very very political position due to Harper's conduct. So having a constitutional scholar in the position is certainly a good idea. However, the two previous GG were also more than qualified for the position, and both did a great job in that role.
But the "best"? I do not accept there is only one person in this country who could be the "best" person for the job. Rather, I suggest there are any number of people who could have taken on this role.
There is no such thing as one person, and one person only, being the best for a position. Every person brings unique qualifications and abilities to any position.
KNB, I did read the article. The author creates a strawman and goes with it.
"You, like us, have no doubt seen the federal career ads where, written in invisible ink, are the words, "white men need not apply.""
This is a lie. Made it up and then railed against it. I know several people working for the federal government. Aside from one woman of colour, they are all white men.
What most people fail to realize, or, like the author of this piece, deliberately mislead people about, is the real reason for affirmative action. AA is not about hiring unqualified people for a position. When most people go through the hiring process, they are naturally inclined towards candidates who are the most like them. Since white men still dominate most employment/management sectors, it is natural they will be drawn to white men as the best candidates. (This, of course, is not unique to white men. It is simply natural for all of us to be drawn to people we identify with personally). AA forces them to think outside their own comfort zone - and it works.
In any event, as I said at the beginning, this article is based on a straw man. I never even considered this is about a white man being appointed to a position previously held by a woman of colour - and I am quite confident most people failed to note that as well. In fact, I am quite confident the people who noticed that were the same people who felt that a woman of colour should not have been in the position in the first place.
Honey Pot have reading comprehension problems? I was pointing that I had a diversity of friends (forgot to mention - various political stripes) - duh.
I don't read the Sun. I saw the horrible headline on the internet and thought I'd read it - silly me.
I am not a bigot and I am not a socialist and Honey Pot trying to throw mud doesn't make it so.
Honey Pot - I would think if you don't like racism you'd make a comment about how disgusted you are with the article. Now, who's racist?
Who actually writes this anti-social vile and deliberately misleading drivel. Kory KornKob needs some serious behaviour modification therapy, to get close to vaguely normal !!!
I'd like to know why all the reference to 'affirmative action' which as a policy doesn't even exist in this country. Last I knew what we had was a program called 'employment equity' which may or may not still be in existence under the Harper regime.
Fred, inane banter as usual. At least you are consistent.
Best man? I'd say there were a myriad of choices available in this country.
I think he is imminently qualified and if you read the post, that certainly is not what I am arguing.
I'm insulted by the rah, rah, good ole white boy promotion. No, insulted doesn't cover it. Disgusted.
It never occurred to me upon reading about the appointment that the man was white. I suggest most of the country is far beyond noticing that. What did strike me was that it was a really bland choice. I'm sure he's a good man and obviously had the credentials, but there certainly is no sense of progress here.
The opinion, which represents the chain incidently, is clearly racist. Celebrating the fact that there is at long last a white male in the position, means de facto that you resented the past two appointments of females, who didn't happen to be white.
It's disgusting.
Sandi, you are being goaded by someone who makes it their mission to misunderstand and misconstrue.
For me...not worth my energy.
Gayle, I completely agree with the straw man argument. It's their 'go-to'manner of debating what is not debatable.
I confess that I'm sad that so many fall for it.
Hey Omar. You're right. Affirmative Action doesn't exist here and I have no idea if Harper has played with hiring laws. To the best of my knowledge, those are provincial affairs.
Gayle said:
"But the "best"? I do not accept there is only one person in this country who could be the "best" person for the job."
By the very definition there can only be one best. Guess English is hard on you.
No one said others were not qualified to do the job, just that Johnston was considered the best out of the qualified pool.
Agree or disagree, but it is refreshing to not pander to the immigrant or minority groups.
I think Madame Jean did a great job as GG. She brought a lot class to the job. Seal meat, tours of Afghanistan, wearing a CF uniform on Remembrance Day....classy.
But don't tell me being a black immigrant from Haiti didn't help her get that position.
Personally, I had hope Harper extended her for a year or more.
KNB said...
What did strike me was that it was a really bland choice. I'm sure he's a good man and obviously had the credentials, but there certainly is no sense of progress here.
"No sense of progress", you say?
What an interesting choice of words..."progress". So interesting, in fact, that I'm going to give you a chance to reconsider it; surely you didn't just validate everything the offending editorial said and blow your own argument right out of the water, did you?
(nah...couldn't be...:)
The opinion, which represents the chain incidently, is clearly racist.
Okaaaay. First of all, who decides which of the many writers, columnists or contributors of any newspaper "represents the chain"?
Does Christie Blatchford represent the chain she writes for? How about Margaret Wente? I'm sure you can't stand either one, but the Globe and Mail *is* a liberal newspaper with a couple of conservative writers. The National Post is the who "represents" them?
(keeping in mind that most editorials aren't written by the same person every day; you knew that, right?)
As for being "racist", I suggest that you probably see racism in everything (and everyone) Consevative but never, ever in a Liberal.
Celebrating the fact that there is at long last a white male in the position, means de facto that you resented the past two appointments of females, who didn't happen to be white.
Ummm...that's not exactly what it said. The article expressed surprise that political correctness was not a factor *in this* appointment. The theory being that once you start making selections based on race, creed, gender etc it is highly unlikely that you will ever STOP using those criteria to make your selections. But the Prime Minister did just that...hence the surprise...
It's disgusting.
More like a joke. It's a tempest in a teapot, which is why no one else noticed it or is attempting to make a huge deal of it. Sorry to burst your bubble...
"By the very definition there can only be one best. Guess English is hard on you."
And I guess logic is hard on you.
There is no one person who is best for the position, because it is impossible. Or maybe you can prove to me there is no other person in Canada who would be better.
It is such a lie to suggest someone is the "best man for the job". It is a lie propogated by the racists who claim that the only reason, or even one of the reasons, a person of colour was chosen for a position was due to their race. According to these same racists, the reason a white man is chosen for the position is because he is the best one for the job.
"The article expressed surprise that political correctness was not a factor *in this* appointment. The theory being that once you start making selections based on race, creed, gender etc it is highly unlikely that you will ever STOP using those criteria to make your selections. But the Prime Minister did just that...hence the surprise...'
This is a racist comment. Just because someone of colour is chosen for a position, it does not mean they were chosen because of their race. Only a racist would think race played a role in their selection.
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