The right gets delirious when spewing their nonsense about left wing media. The myth seems to be taking and people, we are not paying attention.
I'm disgusted to be honest. How have we become such a facile nation, one that caters to 36% or whatever the hell it is? Why, because we've become complacent and we do not register our complaint. We've allowed take overs, without raising concern. Un-freaking-believable.
The inmates are running the asylum.
"How have we become such a facile nation, one that caters to 36% or whatever the hell it is?"
Funny, I don't remember hearing such screams of anguish when that weasel Chretien got 100% of the power with only 38% of the popular vote. Or is that somehow different?
BS how, exactly? Mulcair fucking KILLED, so I'd say it was - hmm, how do you put it? - pretty bull's eye accurate.
I'm gonna have to step back and say it's KNB who is full of shit on this one. ;)
jason, a gentleman as usual.
How exactly is it bs...they ran this at 7:30.
As usual, you miss the point. Your non-partisan love of all that is not liberal, is evident as always.
anon, when you look at what comprises the rest of the ratio, yes, there is difference.
The right with a grand minority, is pushing an agenda, with the help of a media who is sympathetic. The media certainly didn't give Chretien a pass, nor Martin and they have been all but rabid with Dion.
Yeah, it's different.
Jason Bo Green
"I'm gonna have to step back and say it's KNB who is full of shit on this one.;)"
You know Jason you really have a warped sense of humor? What is so funny about this? Are you a 13 year old?
KNB is way to nice of a woman to say this you,I'm not a woman and
I'm not has nice as her.
So here it goes you
jason are a F...retard
and so full of crap that it reached the top
of your empty head.
KNB I know you've have
said that you don't like censorship in the past,but when someone
calls you names and uses profanity and they
find it funny on top of that then they should be censored in my opinion.
P.S. I'M sorry your side lost.:) Sorry KNB I couldn't resist.:)
No worries John, Jason is famous for being rude.
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