Many others have already spoken on the Galloway incident today, so I won't belabour the point. Suffice it to say that this decision is wrong and sadly not a surprise coming (ultimately) from Jason Kenney.
Disagree with Galloway if you like, but having an opinion on the Middle East that you disagree with is not a reason to keep this man out of the country. Perhaps Galloway himself said it best:
Galloway issued a statement saying "this idiotic ban shames Canada." He called it "a very sad day for the Canada we have known and loved.
Oh and spare me the predictable right wing comments accusing him of being a Taliban sympathizer or any other tired comment about Hamas and Hezbollah. After witnessing our Minister of Science this week, I'm about done with reading or listening to stupidity, impromptu or predictable.
Speaking of predictable, that loud mouth and defender of free speech, Levant, has in his typical hypocritical fashion agreed with this decision. Surprise, surprise. It's a perfect platform for his hatred and inane rants isn't it? He accuses Galloway of being anti-Semitic to boot.
It's astonishing just how quickly the right will forfeit basic rights and freedoms if it props up their twisted view of the world.
Update - Be sure to watch the video. It's certainly makes Canada look pretty pathetic. (h/t - Red Tory)
So will you also condemn Iggy with his weasely comments that give him an out?
You see, I agree with your points, but am disappointed that at the moment only the NDP seem to be angry at this.
Are you referring to the article?
Because he also said that if Galloway is being kept out simply based on issues of free speech then that's an outrage.
Did he say something else?
Ignatieff was quite clear and concise today, but dimbulb here is on his/her crusade. Nice nic too, pretty much sums up what an asinine flea you really are...
If it's something about Warren, cue the fool, something about Jason, cue the fool, something about Iggy, cue the fool. Midget.
Iggy was a weasel.
‘In Winnipeg, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff suggested that, on the face of it, the decision does not appear justified. But he cautioned that security officials might know something he doesn’t.
“I have never in a long life of listening to George Galloway heard a single sentence out of his mouth that I believed,” said Ignatieff. “But that’s not the issue.
My ass that security officials know something.
Galloway has been in Canada before and spoken in the U.S.
Let's not forget that :
Jewish organizations B'nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress applauded the decision.
"We applaud the government for its explicit recognition that individuals who glorify terrorism and promote hatred be denied access into Canada," said a statement from B'nai Brith's executive vice-president, Frank Dimant.
Bernie Farber, CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress, wrote: "George Galloway enables terrorism. In so doing he puts Canadian civilians at risk and comforts those who fight our soldiers in Afghanistan. The government's decision was the right one from legal, security and moral viewpoints."
Iggy has openly admitting to moving the Liberals to the right - maybe taking the "progressive" and "left" leaning Liberal vote.
I'm rather incredulous that someone would believe Iggy's statement at face value... except from Steve V. (Iggy fluffer extraordinaire).
While you seem surprised at how quickly fear-mongering will twist what I consider basic human values (Free speech being one), it's almost as pathetic as what partisanship will do.
I can't wait to hear what the security issue is.
ohh and Steve, I remember how many Libloggers used to decry the hypocrisy and basic stupidity of the Blogging Tories in their blind adoration of their dear Leader - maybe I should just copy/paste some of those comments and change Conservative for Liberal....
You said:
"Disagree with Galloway if you like, but having an opinion on the Middle East that you disagree with is not a reason to keep this man out of the country. Perhaps Galloway himself said it best:"
Is it possible that Immigration may know something that we don't?
This is what Velshi said on the CTV website:
"border security officials deemed Galloway to be inadmissible under Section 34(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. That act deals with excluding those who provide material support for terrorism."
This is also a quote from the CTV website.
"George Galloway publicly brags about his moral and, in some cases financial, support for internationally recognized terrorist organizations including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban. He proudly flaunts his own nation's laws and dares Western states to prosecute him for his support of terrorists. He is clearly a risk to Canadians," he added.
Now correct me if I'm wrong,but aren't this groups classified as terrorists by Canada?
So in other words it's not what he says it's his actions the problem. It has nothing to do with right wing or left wing.
Al Gore is certainly not a friend of the Conservatives. Was he barred from entering this country?
The only way for Mr.Galloway to enter Canada is if Mr.Kenney intervenes of in other words interferes.
"The Right is Where it's At's", I'm sure that details will be given, right? Right?
(It's not like he has not already been in Canada or spoken to the U.S. congress....)
As for Harper and Iggy supporting this:
An increasingly disturbing picture of the Israeli army's conduct in the Gaza war emerged Friday, as new witness accounts from Israeli troops described wanton vandalism to Palestinian homes, humiliation of civilians and loose rules of engagement that resulted in unnecessary civilian deaths.
The revelations of soldier conduct over the past two days have set off soul-searching and alarm in a country where the military is widely revered. They also have echoed Palestinian allegations that Israel's assault did not distinguish between civilians and combatants, at a time when some international human rights groups contend Israel violated the laws of war.
Simply embarrassing....
I actually heard Ignatieff live today, maybe it was the inflection in his voice.
I love the projection quite frankly. The blind hatred translates to anyone who disagrees as an Iggy lover. I've actually criticized a couple times, how many positive comments have you made, silly vitrol guy? Fact of the matter, and everyone in the real world agrees, the Liberals under Ignatieff are doing well. I point to objective fact, it's considered "lover", whereas clowns like you that can't admit anything, despite the obvious... well, what exactly is your relevance? I'm sorry if the news has been good, but it just has, a fact which seems to escape the BLIND. Anyways, this is one more minute of my life I won't get back, carry on with the low rent crusade, and make sure to huddle with the other misfits for intellectually comfort. Very amusing this.
BTW, get a new nic, because it just says volumes about YOU. Who the hell is so obsessed that's their handle? The internet, no dress code required...
So little Steve, how are the Liberals doing in the polls?
In the context of an economy that is in the dumps, massive deficits, Conservative ministers that can't seem to say the right thing, you'd expect the Liberals to do much better - except that they are pretty much at the same level than with Dion...
cwtf, Ignatieff was clear re' the free speech issue. Lest you label me a blind follower, I'm not sure saying that he'd heard no evidence yet that there is a security threat, but if there was that would be a different matter, means he's siding with Harper and the Jewish Congress, etc.
Do I believe there is a threat? No, but I can say whatever I want. Ignatieff can hardly call Border Security liars.
I know where you are going with this, but really, in this case I think Ignatieff struck the right tone. If he'd said nothing about free speech and being banned for that reason, I'd be with you.
Right, this imo is nothing more than Kenney and the government flexing their muscles.
A high profile person like Galloway would have been vetted through Kenney's office before the Border Security made their statement. Kenney has the power to turn this around. That's not interference, that's his job.
They guy is being kept out because the 'right' doesn't like what he has to say.
An increasingly disturbing picture of the Israeli army's conduct in the Gaza war emerged Friday, as new witness accounts from Israeli troops described wanton vandalism to Palestinian homes, humiliation of civilians and loose rules of engagement that resulted in unnecessary civilian deaths.
Yea. I can't disagree here.
"A high profile person like Galloway would have been vetted through Kenney's office before the Border Security made their statement. Kenney has the power to turn this around. That's not interference, that's his job."
He may have the power,but it's still interference.
"They guy is being kept out because the 'right' doesn't like what he has to say."
If that is the case KNB than why wasn't Al Gore barred from entering Canada? He is far from being a right winger and definitely not a friend of the Conservatives. Or his he?
It's not interference right, period. Border security would have gone to Kenney FIRST. He would have agreed to their statement before they made it. He could hardly be interferring with his own decision and even if he hadn't been vetted, it's his job to overturn bad decisions. Not interference.
Al Gore? Aside from the obvious, keeping him out hardly supports their phony environment agenda does it?
KNB whether or not border security would have gone to Kenney first is irrelevant.
Because if the CTV article is right they are quoting a
Section of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. That act deals with excluding those who provide material support for terrorism.
Now here is again what he is being accused of in the CTV article.
"George Galloway publicly brags about his moral and, in some cases financial, support for internationally recognized terrorist organizations including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban. He proudly flaunts his own nation's laws and dares Western states to prosecute him for his support of terrorists. He is clearly a risk to Canadians,"
Now the question is do you think that this accusation is wrong?
KNB, Jason Kenney is a coward and has used the department of immigration in a way that is shameful. Just today he's said that his department will deny citizenship to immigrants that can't speak English or French well enough. He's called war resistors "bogus refugee claimants", denied funding to the Canadian Arab Federation, called various groups "anti-Semitic" and decided to personally review funding to various groups presumably based on some unknown criteria.
Canada already has a reputation for barring activist such as Medea Benjamin, Ann Wright and Bill Ayers.
Given the context that seems to equate criticism of Israel with "anti-Semite" and "terrorist"
Today, you have Galloway banned from speaking in Canada under the nebulous guise of being a danger - "National Security Reasons". This is a Big Brother approach and fits into the Conservative ideology.
If Canada has proof that he is undesirable, then it should make it available.
Instead a spokesthinghy for the Minister said that he was inadmissible because of his opposition to the deployment of NATO troops in Afganistan
If one listens to Galloway, he has been dead on with regards to much of his criticism regarding the middle east.
In his own country there are laws preventing the support of terrorism - he would have been arrested long before....
The decision not to let Galloway in is an ideological one.
In this context, it's strange for Iggy to first criticize Galloway (talk about hedging your bets), then sputter about "Free Speech" following by "maybe the government knows something I don't"....
Iggy is being an ass.
The Right is Where it's At, it seems that his "material support for terrorism" is driving relief trucks....
And how can he "clearly" be a risk to Canadians? Do you expect him to bore his audience to death?
Clearly a risk to Canadians? What a load of crap. What is clearly a risk to Canadians are the feebs profiled in your next post.
You're quoting the co-pres of the CJC. Last time I checked they didn't decide who can speak in this country.
I suggest you do a little research on Galloway then you can weigh where the accusations might be coming from.
cwtf, we disagree on Ignatieffs reaction, but I agree with the rest of what you said.
That was the point of the post really. It's all ideological. It won't die here of course because Galloway isn't about to let it go.
sjw, lol.
"The Right is Where it's At, it seems that his "material support for terrorism" is driving relief trucks....
And how can he "clearly" be a risk to Canadians? Do you expect him to bore his audience to death?"
If you read the CTV website he is being accused of financial, support for internationally recognized terrorist organizations including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban. This my friend is more than just driving relief trucks.
Here is an article from the BBC on Mr Galloway. Make what you want of it.
"So little Steve, how are the Liberals doing in the polls?"
Oh, I don't know, Angus Reid said the Liberals are gaining, Ignatieff the only leader with a positive trendline. Harris Decima:
"Jeff Walker, senior vice-president of Harris-Decima, said that's the important finding.
"Women are moving back toward the Liberals, where they had been leaning toward the Conservatives leading up to and then at the election in (October.)
"It's women overall, but in particular, among urban-dwelling women, the Liberals are ahead of the Conservatives by 12 points now and they were even at the time of the last election."
Walker said the arrival of Michael Ignatieff as Liberal leader seems to be one key to this shift. The economy is the other.
Many traditional Liberals abandoned the party under Stephane Dion, Walker noted.
"Having Ignatieff as leader of the Liberals changes that."
Strategic Counsel:
"the Liberals are continuing to poll much better under Michael Ignatieff than Stephane Dion, the poll shows. "
Ipsos Reid:
"Ignatieff's Liberals close the gap on Tories: Poll
Support stalled for Conservatives, but Iggy fans increasing"
Did I miss anyone? Oh ya, NANOS, let see what he says ;)
You've just proved my point with your weak retort. Can't acknowledge the obvious. LITTLE is right, not to mention just plain stupid.
You really are a loser.
Iggy change deniers, god love em.
Hmmm....I didn't see the "right" complain when Bush came here to do his speech. Now, lies about reasons to go to war and how many deaths because of it?
Al Gore - stupid comparison. He talks about climate change - oh so dangerous isn't it?
You know, you could say it's raining outside and CWTF would find a way to blame Ignatieff for it. So obssessed with his Iggy hatred, it's stupid.
Hey, new NANOS out today, and guess what?
Steve V- yup, the Liberals with a slight lead, and really in the overall meaningless (unless the trend continues for a few months).
Then again, with the economy the way it is.... Like I've said many times before, even a vegetable head as Leader of the Liberals they should do better....
And Rural, you may want to learn nuance - unless you are taking lessons from the Blogging Tories. Kenney is an ass on this one but it does not mean Mr. Empire lite should follow him...
Wow, that was feeble. Shocking. Oh well, at least we know one thing- you have no political instincts. NONE. Enjoy your day.
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