The reason? Mr. Zytaruk just doesn't strike me as a man who would even consider doctoring tapes, etc.
He admired Chuck Cadman, which led him to write about a man of integrity. Who in their right mind would think an author who held his subject in high regard for his integrity, would do this man the disservice of being less than honest?
We've been over this ground before, so I won't re-till it, but I think this development is a good one. Dissenting views automatically put the Con claim into question. Though to make it really fair, given that the Con's already have two competing opinions out there, I think the court in addition to having these two experts, should assign one of their own. Can he do that? I don't know.
Now the question is, who is Murray Clemens? If he's charged with overseeing the process and protecting the tape, I'd like to know more about him. Anyone with info, send it please.
Here's some info on Clemens:
Don't know if it helps a bit.
I'm glad to see this has been court ordered as well. Should be interesting.
Thank you penlan, that was informative.
Yes indeed, it will be interesting.
Ummmm...wasn't this what the legal counsel for the Conservatives were asking for all along?
Any more spin and you'd be enriching uranium for the Iranians,
Ahhhh, no.
The Conservatives claim the tape has been doctored, although they do not say by whom. It must have been those nasty Liberals working in concert with the Tooth Fairy.
If their legal team wants to prove it has been doctored the last thing they want is for the court to look at the tape. It is not biased like bought and paid for experts usually are.
What the Conservatives wanted was a he said/he said situation. Their experts disagree with the Liberal experts who disagree with the author's experts thereby muddying the waters with regard to the credibility of the tape.
Instead they have someone with no dog in this show analyzing the ORIGINAL tape.
As knb stated, I doubt the author would be stupid enough to alter the tape in any way. So, if that is indeed the findings of this independent analyst the Conservatives' case is done and they have the added advantage of the news media stating the tape, with Stephen Harper himself stating there were "financial considerations" involved in the talk with Mr. Cadman, is genuine.
Ummmm...wasn't this what the legal counsel for the Conservatives were asking for all along?
Umm, no! Is that how Con's are going to play this?
Good luck. This like 'in and out' are too obvious for most to see.
ottlib...thanks for the clarity.
What the CONs "wanted" was to have the original tape, & the tape recorder, to have their OWN expert(s) look at it. That way they could have it anyway they wanted to, in my opinion.
Now their goose is cooked!
And you're welcome knb!
Also, Clemens is originally from Ontario. Don't know when he moved to B.C.
btw - haven't heard back from Garth yet. Will wait a few days then forward it to the Party.
This snip from an article published today:
"Tom's problem all along is that he didn't trust anybody," said Gibson. "We've seen nothing to say the court is actually going to supervise the analysis or protect the tape. There's no guarantee they won't just turn it over to the
Here's a link to the article in todays Vancouver Sun (in case the link doesn't work):
Hmm, the article says this:
Clemens will also be responsible for taking the tape to the audio experts retained by the Liberal and Conservative parties.
It seems to me that the judge is taking care to protect the integrity of the tape.
I don't think it's unreasonable for Zytaruk to be guaranteed of that fact in some fashion.
I guess we'll have to watch as it develops.
Oh, I also meant to say that you hardly blame him for not trusting the Con's. They've treated him atrociously.
No one in their right mind would trust the Tories.....I'm wondering about Dona Cadman, her daughter and her son-in-law.....
Anon, my understanding is that Dona's daughter is at odd's with her mother as it relates to running for the Con's.
I'm sure their relationship is fine beyond that point, but the daughter seems to have the clarity that her mother lacks.
I wonder if she and her husband will be called.
knb said:
"It seems to me that the judge is taking care to protect the integrity of the tape.
I don't think it's unreasonable for Zytaruk to be guaranteed of that fact in some fashion."
You're right knb & I'm in agreement with you. I should have said more in my comment. :)
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