Aside from lamely attempting to maintain their relevance, this day-in, day-out pontificating is absolutely ridiculous.
Between Heard, Copps, and Gibson, they have done more to reinforce just how old and stale they are. I know Gibson has a better reputation than Heard, but it's tough to see that in his writing. I mean really, what did he say that was new or novel? Nothing. These musings have been articulated for weeks now and played every which way to Sunday. He has nothing new to say, but has a need to say it anyway.
Why it's it always these kind of Liberals who are trotted out on political shows? Aside from partisan panels, it's rare to see a Liberal, especially from the past, actually speaking about what headway has been made in the party. If you believe no progress is going on, you're licking the inside of the Kool-Aid package, not just drinking it.
Something tells me that the youth in the Party could not care less about these people drawing on their ancient "conspiracy" experience. Do they actually think they are helping things with this kind of prattle, are they just so committed to whomever they backed, (publicly or not), or are they just so vainglorious that they cannot help themselves?
My vote would be for the latter, but what ever the reason, I say, cut it out!
Layton apparently said that Dion was giving the con's a majority. No. I would argue that the old Liberal guard is, and if they are really comfortable with that, I hope to see them campaigning for Harper, whenever the election comes.
At least that would be honest.
Update - The con's aren't immune to this either.
The reason these folks are being trotted out by the media is because they reinforce the current media narrative.
Remember, the media in North America gave up its responsibility to actually inform the people of what is going on when they switched their priorty from providing information to providing infotainment.
That is one reason why I no longer pay for my news. I gave up my subcriptions to newspapers and news magazines a long time ago. As well, I gave up watching anything resembling a news program.
I am fortunate that I work at a company that provides its employees with access to electronic news clippings and if I want further information I can look for it on-line.
ottlib, I understand what you are saying, but you ,and I, do not reflect the masses.
Many people do buy the Sun (chain) for instance. I've never in my life bought that paper..but many do and when they do, they consume the contents as fact.
Remember, the media in North America gave up its responsibility to actually inform the people of what is going on when they switched their priorty from providing information to providing infotainment.
I have not forgotten that fact ottlib. That is what I think the rest of must rail against.
Gibson is just mad that, not only did he guy Ignatieff lose the leadership to Dion, but that in B.C., on Gibson's home turf, he finished a distant fourth and almost fifth behind Volpe!
Twisted, bitter and stale.
dont forget LaPierre another jerk trying to get even for something..Manley..LaPierre. Copps..etc..traitors
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