Friday, July 18, 2008

A Little Bit of Tourism

On this rather muggy Friday, (42 with the humidex), with little in the news motivating me to write, I took a wander over to the BT's.

I won't provide links, but it seems that SDA and The Crux of the Matter, and some of their commenter's, are less than impressed with the quality of the Conservative website.

I and many other Lib and Progressive bloggers have spoken to this many times, but the BT's seemed satisfied until now. What changed?

The bullet hole photo of Dion seems to have put them over the edge. I know some Liblogger's wrote about it, but somehow I think when Kinsella (and I'm no fan) picked up on it yesterday, they realised the exposure may be wider than anticipated and a few of them have reacted.

Will the site change as a result of this? I have my doubts. They have a lot invested in 'Oily' and their other cheesy, tacky, ads so to deviate too far from that juvenile format would not be in their best interest. I'm sure they are quite pleased with their efforts and if you read many BT's, they speak in precisely the same language that the site encourages.

One of the funniest comments I read seemed to think that the Lib site was linking to 'news' articles and he lamented that the Con's have very few positive articles to link to. He then realised his mistake, but not fully. What he was referring to were the press releases that sit on main page. Once he realised they did not come from the media, he assumed they were pieces just written for the site.

A press release, dear Con, is something that goes out and is picked up or ignored. Most are ignored. That doesn't stop the Lib's putting them out and posting them.

To be frank, his idea wasn't bad. There could be a section that linked to press coverage and there could be updates provided to the initial press release that substantiate their case.

I'm not sure that all BT's will rally behind a cause to change the Con site, but SDA does hold sway over that group. Comments thus far do not support that notion, in number or substance, but we shall see.

Personally, I'll choose an intelligent presentation of issues over idiocy every time, but that doesn't mean we Lib's can't use more ideas.

What would you offer to the Lib's in terms of their site? How would you change it and what would you offer that isn't present? Most importantly, how would you disseminate this information?

I'll forward good ideas.


Steve V said...

A couple of weeks ago, the Con site actually had more pictures of Harper than Dion, the first time I could remember. I went back the next day, considered posting on the anomaly, but alas it was just that, Dion 4, Harper 2. It's a cesspoll, and if KKKate agrees, you know it has to be really LOW.

"I took a wander over to the BT's."

I do that about every two weeks, and strangely I always feel like a shower afterwards :)

Karen said...

I do that about every two weeks, and strangely I always feel like a shower afterwards :)

Agreed. I don't play tourist often but this week I have done it twice for some reason. I found a site that linked to me and called me the dumbest blogger of all time or something like that.

I didn't respond but RT defended me in comments. I was grateful for that.

You notice I won't link to them. It would give me more hit's, but that is not my point.

We have a good site, (Liberals) and I'd like to make it better.

That is my point.

Omar said...

Aesthetically I wouldn't change much (if anything) at But where the Con site goes absolutely overboard in its negative attacks on Liberals, the Liberal site could stand to include more exposure of Conservative missteps and shenanigans. There seems almost a reluctance to 'go negative', but played right a little nasty can go a long way.

Anonymous said...

The Liberal site is very nice , but it needs more red, or flag or something

Anonymous said...

A running chronological list of the cons. scandels, flip flops mistaks could be interesting to check into from time to time. I'm thinking about them allowing mining companies to use lakes and rivers for tailings ponds just like in the last century. The problem is this hits the press for about 24 - 96 hours depending on the story then dissappears. This would provide a permanent reference for anyone wanting to look it up.

Anonymous said...

"It's a cesspoll, and if KKKate agrees, you know it has to be really LOW."

I always love how liberal men refer to members of the opposite sex.(sorry, conservative women) Come on Steve, tell how you really feel about some women!;)

Personally, I view KNB and Kate as women that have very different views, but they are both entitled to them without the putdowns. I'm pretty sure if there were not men like you, life would be alot easier for all women.

RuralSandi said...

I always love how liberal men refer to members of the opposite sex.(sorry, conservative women) Come on Steve, tell how you really feel about some women!;)

Good grief - the above doesn't even make sense. Too funny, when it is the Tories that don't believe in women's rights, etc. Stay home, bare foot and pregnant and make cookies is their motto.

It must be awful to constantly look at the world negatively. They'd rather dwell on hatred than policy, hatred than governing, hatred, hatred all the time.

When people look at attacking someone and negatives about them all the time it's a sign of insecurity.

How depressing.

Omar said...

..needs more red, or flag or something

I second that emotion.

Personally, I view KNB and Kate as women that have very different views, but they are both entitled to them without the putdowns.

That one as well.

Anonymous said...

Hey, just wandered over to the "cesspool" & the pic is gone!!! It's back to the Dion shrug with hands in the air again. Quite a few of the very same pic.
One pic of Steve.

Well that didn't take long to be removed. Perhaps too many complaints?

Oh, Oily the Splotch is still there though.

Anonymous said...

"Personally, I view KNB and Kate as women that have very different views, but they are both entitled to them without the putdowns."

The one time I visited the comment section on Kate's site was to check the statement that she had condoned a commentor suggesting that Rosie and her child be blown up at a gay pride event. Sure enough, this was all on display in the comments section. Some views, like hating gays, deserve a lot more than a "putdown".

Steve V said...


Are you for real? Bizarre.