Seriously. How bush-league. For the record, they had a do-over.
LOL update. While the PMO is saying that Harper was being briefed and that's why he missed the photo, the Conservative friendly CFRB is reporting that he was actually in the washroom. So I guess he was actually de-briefed at the time.
Dimitri Soudas responsed to this story with the following: ""I don't think any leader came here for photo ops," said Dimitri Soudas, a Harper spokesperson. "World leaders are here to discuss very serious matters while we go through the biggest global crisis in a generation."
And for some more fun:
is it me, or does it seem that Harper has some stupid problem at these summits each time he goes. Obviously, not ready for prime time. Hmmmmm....do you think it's an omen? Didn't Harper once say you don't get to do do-overs?
If you look at the photo of the "first ladies" club - you can't even see Loreen Harper - just, sort of, the top of her head.
At a press conference, Obama said he is there to give some ideas and to "listen" and "not to lecture". Do you suppose there's something to that, considering Harper is going around the (not our) media circuit lecturing on something he lobbied against and voted no - our banking system.
Thank you Messrs. Chretien and Marin, some of us know the truth.
He was probably stuffing all the leftover desserts, or trying to sneak into Obama's hotel room.
Anon - childish comment.
By the way - my comments weren't a negative on Loreen Harper. She had a really nice navy blue suit on the beatiful shoes. I really liked her shoes, and, she wasn't wearing that awful little girl pink she seems to like. I thought Loreen look nice.
I haven't seen any photo's of Loreen Sandi. In general though, she usually looks the part and I mean that in a good way.
Canada in general doesn't seem to be in too many photo's and in spite of the spin from the PMO, looking at press coverage from outside the country, we don't seem to be making much of a mark, period.
"So I guess he was actually de-briefed at the time."
LOL!!!! Good one!
It's interesting how Harper can cause so many inconveniences to others. Having to re-do the photo shoot & it will now have to be done again as the Japanese PM was missing for this 2nd one. Thanks Steve.
He is also late here for all media events, photo-ops, meetings, etc. It's as though he wants that grand entrance every time. He doesn't mind making people wait. After all their lives & time mean nothing in comparison to his & his "self" importance. What a schmuck.
LOL - Harper was in the loo according to British media. The CRAP leader in the crapper.
Oops - that was the Italian PM who missed the 2nd shoot, not the Japanese one.
RuralSandi -- See, I was right. CBC "reports" that Harper was in the loo (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/politicalbytes/2009/04/harper_in_privy_session.html). Like I said, too many desserts.
Also, I think it's spelled "Laureen".
The British media is reporting it too? I added a local news update but didn't realise other media was on this.
Are we beaming with pride yet?
Good grief.
Oh dear. The PMO is in damage control over this. LOL!
Get this:
""I don't think any leader came here for photo ops," said Dimitri Soudas, a Harper spokesperson. "World leaders are here to discuss very serious matters while we go through the biggest global crisis in a generation."
Oh no? Then why was Steve doing photo ops with a Canadian (Calagary) soccer player who plays for an English team? And since when did Steve not love photo ops? His photo is plastered all over in the lobby on the Hill - after removing photos of ALL the other PM's in our history.
Oh the lies, so many of them through the years - on a daily basis.
See update penlan, ;)
LOL - seems we were both seeing the same thing at the same time. Lovely update! So clear, so true...
Excellent, excellent post. Bravo!
FYI - GritGirl already has a video out on this. I've added it to the post.
"de-briefed"...heh, good one! Most 7 year old kids are smart enough to use the bathroom before leaving the house...
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