One of their favourite attack dogs, Pierre Poilievre apparently sees a conspiracy here.
Ottawa-area Conservative Pierre Poilievre (PWAH'-lee-ehv) goes further, accusing Elections Canada of inviting the Liberal party to watch the raid unfold.
Note to Petey. The Lib's have said that they saw the story on Newsworld.
If this wasn't so disgusting, it would be laughable. Where do these people get off thinking it's perfectly fine to destroy the reputation of our institutions. I couldn't care less at this point that they are somehow tying to denigrate the Lib's, they do that every day, but Elections Canada? Are you kidding me?
They bash the Senate, they attack the CNSC then debase and fire it's head, now this. Of course it comes from the top when you think about it. Harper openly mused about Liberal dominated institutions before he came to power.
Not only do we have a government that is paranoid to the extreme, they have no compunction in denigrating anyone or anything that gets in their twisted ideological way. All I can say is it's about time more of Canada got to see this party as they really are.
In other news the RCMP and Elections Canada are still at the Con offices. Apparently the warrant was issued for 3 days.
Election now. This isn't remotely funny anymore. Letting this government carry on is no longer an option. Let the chips fall where they may.
Poilievre is such a little weasel. Geez, I just despise that guy.
It is amusing to see how many Conies are echoing the line that the Liberals were invited...
Apart from being false, what does it have to do with Connies stalling and always bending the rules? This is not the first time they have cheated and twisted the laws beyond recognition...
slapdash, I agree that it isn't even remotely funny.
Election now? I say election soon, but I'm all for an election.
Personally I think there is a bit more to come out here, but it's a window that we must watch.
RT, I think you are being too kind.
He almost makes me physically ill.
There are many in that party that I cannot stand but this little twerp is something else.
I wish I lived (I'll change that to visiting) in his riding during an election and opened the door to find him there.
I'm not sure a court would find me guilty for my reaction.
Despise doesn't begin to address what I feel, but I'm glad to see I'm not alone.
Anon, indeed. It's not the first time and it won't be the last.
I think that CPC really stands for, Change the Public Channel.
They have distorted this particular issue beyond belief.
If anyone out there doesn't understand the difference between the raid and the legal action taken by the government, please feel free to raise those questions here.
I live in the riding next to Pierre Poilievre's.
I see him and John Baird in the Ottawa Citizen and the community newspaper for Nepean all the time.
I have had to stop reading both for the sake of my blood pressure.
Ottlib, try living in the same place as Fortier - every week the local rag has Fortier and Stockwell Day (or some equally moronic minister). The Press is invited, but normal citizens are asked to stay away...
Low level municipal politician love getting their picture with the Connies...
What makes me puke is that if I want to pick up great bread from this local bakery, I have to park near one of Fortier's headquarters...
Fortier has surrended himself with talent (not from the area mind you) - and while he maybe alright, one wonders about who he associates with.
What is really sad about these attacks, EC isn't just well respected, it's internationally well respected. It just amazes me how these characters are willing to rip apart anything that get's in their way. Somewhere, in warped Con land, EC is at fault for noticing the obvious, doing their bloody job.
People who are defending these actions are pathetic, whatever your definition. It's amazing to watch on one level.
One can only wonder when the Cadscam raid will happen!
"Pierre Poilievre (PWAH'-lee-ehv)"
And sometimes Paul-ev-er (like polymer). Petey seems to vary his pronunciation to hid his frenchness depending on which audience he's talking to (like old while Anglos at seniors homes and such).
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