Bernier quits? Ha! Another view.
Please. He quit? How idiotic does this government look? Harper primarily and if I recall correctly the guy who is leaving, Ian Brodie, recommended Bernier for the position.
During his news conference today Harper dismissed all and any accusations against Bernier, then turned on his heel with a look of disgust, now this? Van Loan did his usual, 'the Lib's are looking for dirt' in the House during QP, now this?
These guys are so incompetent, they don't know the meaning of the word.
It seems suspicious to me that an interview is coming out tonight (at 9:00 on, um , TVA I think) with Julie Couillard. We'll see if that was the deal breaker, but if it wasn't, who the hell did he leave a classified document in front of?
Emerson is going to stand in? The Minister of Trade is going to stand in as a proxy for Foreign Affairs? Good grief...just take the time to think about how weak this government is in terms of bench strength.
The media is reporting that Foreign Affairs was notified over the weekend by Couillard's lawyer that Bernier left a very sensitive classified document at her apartment. Earlier today Harper responded to a press question about possible security breaches with Bernier and Couillard saying he had no interest in such matters. Now Harper has issued a press release saying he found out about the classified document breach later this afternoon. Wow -- information travels really slowly from Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister on security matters. Harper is really out of the loop.
So, the opposition has been hammering away on the question of whether there were any security concerns with Bernier and Couillard. Harper has insisted they were busy bodies and this obviously was no security matter. Now there is a security matter involving -- guess who? -- Bernier and Couillard, and Harper is still insisting that it has nothing to do with what the opposition was going on about, had no connection to who Bernier was dating. I guess he could have left the documents at anyone's home and they could have happened to have some connections to organized crime. Right! But, in any case, how would we have ever even found out about this except for the opposition continuing to harp on it, so that Couillard would retaliate with this information?
Interesting - informed on the weekend that he left a confidential/sensitive document? Well, when did he leave that document in her apartment - last weekend - if so, he was supposed to have broken up with her in February although they were spotted having dinner with Stockwell Day and his wife at the end of March.
Or, has this document been there for months? Hmmmm......
Also funny - Thomas Mulcair (Layton's John Baird) was going on and on about the Liberals making too much of this on Don Newman's show tonight and then of CTV Newsnet tonight - not a word about the Liberals, more subdued and saying Bernier made gaffe's yadda, yadda. - what a joke Mulcair is - a nasty piece of work.
The reports say he left the document in Couillard's apartment last spring.
I see now both Bernier's statements and Harper's statements say that Bernier learned of this last night (Sunday) and informed Harper this afternoon. That just strikes me as strange. What was Bernier doing? Wondering if he should tell Harper or wait for him to read about it in the newspapers? A detail, I guess, but having that peculiar detail in both of their published statements makes me suspicious.
Yes, I watched Muclair and it seemed that even with the topic being Harper and Bernier, all he was interested in was attacking the Liberals.
Great breakdown clh.
I just listened to her interview on line, but I'm having trouble with the sound on my computer...so I missed a bit.
I'll no doubt read more tomorrow. Or tonight.
Sandi, I agree about Mulcair.
Sorry cherniak_wtf. He may have been honourable in your province and perhaps he did a lot of good. I do not take that away from him, but right now, he's the intellectual who is equating himself with, Poilievre, Van Loan, Nicholson, Day, Flaherty, Toews, Baird. I don't know? Take your pick.
He's nasty now and the NDP once more have proved that they are as ideologically focused as the Con's are.
Being on the wrong side of right is always a bad thing.
Yes Harper is lying and this is spin - bet you the majority of Canadians buy-it....
clh...I don't think Bernier has ever been too interested in keeping Harper clean.
I think he had his own agenda, one that matched Harper's it should be said, but he was a ditz from square one.
Harper wears this, or should. Harper, Van Loan and that idiot Obhrai, continue to tell us what a wonderful job Bernier has done.
You have to admit, Bernier has been brilliant at making Canada look ridiculous.
Cherniak_wtf...well if they do, larger questions have to be answered and why the hell aren't they being asked?
Gawd I'm fed up.
Julie Couillard is a woman scorned. The French press is reporting a lot more than the English one.
Maxi has been leaving documents at he Pad.
Her place was bugged.
She had informed him of her past.
As the French says: "C’est non seulement le jugement de M. Bernier qui a fait gravement défaut ici. Le jugement du premier ministre est aussi remis en cause. Et sa capacité de gérer une crise autrement que par la cachette."
"C’est non seulement le jugement de M. Bernier qui a fait gravement défaut ici. Le jugement du premier ministre est aussi remis en cause. Et sa capacité de gérer une crise autrement que par la cachette."
Well, I guess we always knew it was up to the PM's judgement, or lack there of.
That she brings in Harper's capacity to hide things, or I guess, deflect, (my french now needs much work), speaks volumes. This sentiment was obviously shared by Bernier.
Harper will not be around to answer questions of course, so we look forward to Van Loan speaking about salmon swimming up stream or other such nonsense.
Useless, the lot of them.
If you want to see history re-written, go to the the BT's. It's astonishing.
"he was supposed to have broken up with her in February although they were spotted having dinner with Stockwell Day and his wife at the end of March."
Couillard says the document was left in her apartment in mid-April after a visit by Bernier. Funny that he would leave a sensitive document in her apartment months after he broke up with her and just weeks before the whole story broke. Usually you visit months later to finally pick up your personal belongings, not to drop them off.
...they were spotted having dinner with Stockwell Day and his wife at the end of March.
The best part of that is the delicious vision it invokes of Bible-thumping Day breaking bread with Couillard the biker babe. I wonder what the small-talk was like?
Day: "Jesus Christ is my personal saviour. What's yours?"
Couillard: "Well, I'm kinda partial to the Harley-Davidson Dyna Super Glide Custom with full coil-over suspension and 2-1-2 exhaust".
"Yes, I watched Muclair and it seemed that even with the topic being Harper and Bernier, all he was interested in was attacking the Liberals."
No, it's always principled positions first, you must be mistaken.
My question, just how long would that document have sat there, before someone in the government noticed it. It's only coming to light because she brought it forward.
Taber at the Globe has an unnamed "insider" saying Bernier was well known to be careless with documents and that he submitted his resignation Monday morning, but they hoped it would blow over and that he wouldn't have to resign before Harper left on his trip. Obviously, if Couillard wasn't going on TV to talk about the returned documents, Harper would still be going around dismissing any questions about security concerns. Oh wait ... he's still doing that anyway.
PMO attempted to control Bernier's exit
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