Yes indeed. If this news is to believed, it would seem that their latest strategy is to encourage fratricide amongst Liberals and get it underway as soon as possible.
Fair enough I suppose, if they honestly believe that there is genuine dissent in the party. I still have not seen evidence of that however. Oh, Jane Taber seems to take weekly, giggly, delight in insinuating there is some plot afoot, but, absent any other solid information, her claims amount to nothing more than gossip.
I hope they have moved up the by-elections because if this story is true, I think they have it wrong. I think this will bring a strong team together, united in their message about the current government. Not sure about the timing though. Can they really call them that quickly?
Interesting, isn't it, that they seem to have no doubt that these candidates will win?
I read that too. The Conservatives have to call an election sometime within 6 months, and they probably want it well away from the provincial one, which might explain moving it up. If these people are actually dumb enough to think an intelligent, articulate, classy woman questioning the government will help their cause, good for them and their delusions. I'm not buying that story, they can't be this dense. Or wait....
Just browsing the internet, you have a beautiful and very interesting blog.
Apparently, freddie says that to all the blogs ;)
There are by-elections in Quebec that needs to be called soon. The Quebec ones will be held before the Ontario ones are called.
Mr. Harper is almost out of time with regard to calling the by-elections in Quebec. I believe he has to call at least one of them before the end of July.
He would look kind of silly to call them in Quebec and not Ontario.
As for the Conservatives calling them to sow Liberal discord they are in for a shock. Bob Rae is a seasoned politician who has had experience in both opposition and government. Having him on the front bench with Mr. Dion and Mr. Ignatieff tag-teaming the government is not a situation any Conservative should want.
Steve, lol. I can't believe they are either, but one never knows.
Thx freddie.
Steve, freddie's comment is welcome :), especially when compared to the alternative. (I saw your blog too).
You don't think he'll lump them all together mushroom? It makes more sense.
Ottlib, indeed they are in for a shock. Perhaps they think the likes of Rae and Ignatieff will highlight what they have tried to label him with. Instead I think you'll see a very cohesive team and Stephane has the summer to dispel some of what Harper has tried to put out there.
I cannot wait to see Hall-Findlay in the HoC! I think it's fair to say she doesn't suffer fools gladly.
I watched Harper's extra strategist, Mike Duffy, today and he was talking about Sept 17th. The strategy panel was John Sleaze Reynolds, Martha Hall Findlay and whats her name McPhail(NDP).
Hmmm, thx anon. When did LaPierre step down? I don't think there is that kind of time is there?
I think it is six months by law for a by-election.
A by-election must be called within 6 months of a seat vacancy - however, the PM choose to call the election 6 months hence. The result, a seat can remain vacant for up to a year.
Also note that there may be other Ontario Liberal vacancies available. Both Belinda Stronach and Brenda Chamberlin have said they won't run again. Especially for Belinda, she has not been in the House of Commons much due to work commitments at Aurora.
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