Global warming? No worries. Let's look at the bright side. When I first read this I thought it was a spoof and to be honest, I still can't quite tell. If it is, cute. If it's not, what on earth are people being taught?
Oh and where did Dubya go to school?
What a ridiculous story. I especially like the "expanding forests" nonsense, which fails to acknowledge the increased desertification that also accompanies global warming.
Ridiculous understates it Steve...but I'm with you.
I thought Canada was one country that would be harmed the most because of the far north and melting.
What's good about that?
I can't believe it myself, but the G and M has a poll asking if you believe Canada will benefit from global warming. 61% say yes :(
Oh that cannot be accurate!? Was it a web poll?
It cannot be true that these morons are gaining ground. Have we become so gullible or indifferent that we believe the lies?
A web poll, but still amazing.
It is a ridiculous article and the G&M poll results are more troubling. What the report plainly failed to factor in were elements such as the Northern Shield isn't going to be transformed into farmland, that rainfall patterns are expected to be severely disrupted and the element of species migration/elimination among others. I wasn't suprised the Globe ran this drivel. It's the ongoing decline in a once decent paper and it finally led me to cancel my subscription six months ago.
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