Part of Mr. Harper's new mantra includes talking about how "united" Canada has become under his watch. It's as ridiculous as saying the sky is green of course, nonetheless, I have no doubt that he'll continue to spew the line.
We know that, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Quebec are unhappy and making demands. Last week, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty voiced some concerns with the direction of the fed's and how equitable it was. Now we have this.
Mr. Lougheed told a Canadian Bar Association convention that a ferocious constitutional clash is all but inevitable, pitting the federal right to protect the environment against the provincial right to develop natural resources.
Good grief, could it be any worse? The only bright spot in all of this is that the government operates as if it has a blind eye to all of this reality. I don't think they do of course, but the appearance of same simply makes them look foolish.
More seriously, we knew he'd be bad for the country, but who knew it would happen so quickly?
KNB sorry to say but you make me laugh;) This under the Liberal government your
guy Danny Williams of Newfoundland took down our Canadian flag remember it's because we were united right? This under the Liberal government all the big battles with Quebec where
Quebec almost left our Federation remember?
Don't believe me about a
separatist party of Alberta go here!
Also please read this!
I just hope the links work. Quebec hasn't had a more better relation with
the federal government thank you very much so nice try but you forgot to mention the polls i assume right;)
Let me add to my 6:27 p.m. post about Alberta
it's former Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed not the current thank you very much! It's only a prediction KNB.
It's fun to talk about the past John...but now is now. You're guy is down in Quebec. New faces aren't going to change a thing.
Time to face the music pal. You're guy cannot get out of 36% mode and he keeps playing to his base, so he thinks. That big base of Alberta, ha! If that explodes in his face, he's done.
With all that is known and what I have sighted, tell me how this country...country John, not just flipping Quebec, is more united.
KNB "Time to face the music pal. You're guy cannot get out of 36% mode and he keeps playing to his base, so he thinks. That big base of Alberta, ha! If that explodes in his face, he's done."
KNB the last i looked the Conservative
government got into power
with 36% of the vote so i
say not bad for a base.
"With all that is known and what I have sighted, tell me how this country...country John, not just flipping Quebec, is more united."
KNB easy because no one is talking about a referendum on separation
thats how! That means no one wants to leave our
federation. Its like a marriage you have disagreement but you still stay together,because you care about one another. I keep
bringing up the 90's and
early 2000's,because that
is when the Liberals were
last in power.I'm just
comparing that's all.
Now i see a new scandal maybe brewing and it involves a Liberal this time a senator (fraud) any one surprised ?
P.S. About Alberta in your dreams only no Conservatives i don't mean former p.c's that
were never Conservatives
will ever vote for Dion or Layton.
No scandal about the senator John...he was ejected from caucus as soon as this came out, June/July. There was a bit of a scandal with a conservative...notice, I didn't bring it up because it's typical stuff that happens in parties. To continue this lily white posture, is to laugh. Mulroney? Please.
Re' con's in Alberta, no of course they won't vote Lib or NDP...they just won't vote.
That will be a telling sign.
KNB "Re' con's in Alberta, no of course they won't vote Lib or NDP...they just won't vote." Right keep telling
yourself this you may actually believe it.
"There was a bit of a scandal with a conservative...notice, I didn't bring it up because it's typical stuff that happens in parties. To continue this lily white posture, is to laugh. Mulroney? Please."
I remember that scandal it was one of
the reason that i voted
against the p.c. that and
the gst tax.
How many mp's are left since then ? Maybe one I'm not sure! Cons.
senators appointed by
Mulroney last i looked
the RCMP are not knocking
on their doors to arrest
them are they? The Liberal Party of Canada since the adscam haven't learned anything! In the Ont.ridding it happened
this summer and Liberal
senator again. So they called the cops and ejected him from caucus so what! Did they really
have a choice the Libs?
How many of the Conservative party today mp's senators are under
police investigation anyone? Nice try!!
Liberal's Adscam isn't over yet.
Guite has just fingered Gagliano and Chretien, in defense of a $30m law suit against him.
Will Dion tell which 12 Liberal candidates Cote slipped stolen taxpayers money, $100 bills ($125,000 in total) to?
He may have to.
CanWest News Service
August 14, 2007
QUEBEC CITY -- Charles (Chuck) Guite says he was just following orders when he doled out millions of taxpayers' dollars to ad agencies in return for little or no work on the sponsorship program.
...Guite lays the blame for the scandal directly on his higher-ups -- former minister of public works Alfonso Gagliano and former prime minister Jean Chretien. ...
h/t nationalnewswatch,com
In other news another Liberal is caught stealing!
Anyone who thinks the adscam is over or not in the news are dreaming or just wish full thinking
its in the news every other day here in Quebec just go
here please!
John...the point is no one cares anymore. Old, very old news doesn't play.
There was a survey you know...no one cares.
Of course the Post is going to run it. Outside of you guys...no one cares.
KNB "Of course the Post is going to run it. Outside of you guys...no one cares." Sorry but it plays regularly here in quebec
on the French media.
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