Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Some Follow-up on the Pat Tillman Case

There seems to be something wrong with the embed code, so here is a link to Waxman's opening statement on You Tube.
I'll continue to update as more video becomes available, but the long and short of all of this, no one is responsible and no one knew a thing. It's utter BS of course. These are the same people who have been lying to the world for years. I'm still aghast that these individuals actually hold or held, positions of power.
Some testimony here. Summary here.


Anonymous said...

Not sure if you can read this without registering, but the Washington Post has a great "in the hearing" recap of Rumsfield's apparant brain dump after leaving office, entitled appropriately "Forget about It":

Not surprisingly, it basically explains Rummy's third person singular account of not remembering. He was essentially reduced to explaining that his aids had told him of conversations he couldn't recall, adding a new dimension to the "I don't remember" defense.

My favorite is his leaving the hearing room, only pausing near the family to ask Tillman's father to move a bit so they could get by.

Rummy, classy all the way down . . .

Karen said...

I'm afraid I can't get the link to work Joseph, but I've seen some more vid on the hearings and it was painfully obvious that Rumsfeld did little more than duck for cover, behind "I don't know or I don't remember".

In fact, no one answered a damn thing, nor was anyone accountable.

While it's no surprise, it doesn't make it any less disgusting.

About his comment to Mr. Tillman, I'm just not sure how this man could go any lower. Again, disgusting.